This is the LETTER dataset from the UCI archieve. The data and the algorithm template files can be downloaded here in order to generate the following results. The training set has 16000 samples, the test set 4000 samples (last 4k samples, 20k in total). The number of classes is 26, the number of features is 17. We use 8-fold cross validation.
To generate the results execute $./ELF LETTER t on the console and enable the specific algorithm in the Master.dsc file.

model notes training time prediction time cross validation RMSE cross validation classification error test RMSE test classification error
LR - linear regression 15 search epochs, λ=0.000524479 1[s] 0[s] 0.346912 44.7062% 0.348054 45.575%
PR - polynomial regression 15 search epochs, polyOrder=4, λ=0.00349871, crossInteractions=yes 310[s] 4[s] 0.212869 7.51875% 0.214539 7.35%
GBDT - gradient boosted decision tree 500 epochs, featureSubspaceSize=5, maxTreeLeafes=100, η=0.1, optSplitPoint=no 8332[s] 14[s] 0.134175 3.41875% 0.135784 3.275%
KNN - k-nearest neighbors 15 search epochs, distance=euclidean, k=3 27[s] 3[s] 0.112202 5.21875% 0.111163 5%
NN - neural network 1000 epochs, stochastic gradient descent, Net: 17-70-50-26, η=0.001, λ=0 866[s] 0[s] 0.124753 4.68125% 0.122801 4.325%
KRR - kernel ridge regression 30 search epochs, gauss kernel, sigma=2.46455, λ=1.1675e-06 2432[s] 6[s] 0.129338 2.4% 0.127372 2.35%


This is the SATIMAGE dataset from the UCI archieve. The data and the algorithm template files can be downloaded here in order to generate the following results. The training set has 4435 samples, the test set 2000 samples. The number of classes is 6, the number of features is 37. We use 8-fold cross validation.
To generate the results execute $./ELF SATIMAGE t on the console and enable the specific algorithm in the Master.dsc file.

model notes training time prediction time cross validation RMSE cross validation classification error test RMSE test classification error
LR - linear regression 15 search epochs, λ=0.0149426 0[s] 0[s] 0.497712 23.8106% 0.509548 25.85%
PR - polynomial regression 15 search epochs, polyOrder=1, λ=0.0158027, crossInteractions=yes 10[s] 0[s] 0.405117 13.5964% 0.417862 14.95%
GBDT - gradient boosted decision tree 107 epochs, featureSubspaceSize=5, maxTreeLeafes=50, η=0.1, optSplitPoint=yes 37[s] 0[s] 0.315662 9.37993% 0.322224 9.5%
KNN - k-nearest neighbors 15 search epochs, distance=euclidean, k=4 3[s] 0[s] 0.300494 8.95152% 0.301169 9.1%
NN - neural network 329 epochs, stochastic gradient descent, Net: 37-70-50-6 , η=0.001, λ=0 64[s] 0[s] 0.30259 8.97407% 0.304153 9.05%
KRR - kernel ridge regression 30 search epochs, gauss kernel, sigma=3.18697, λ=1.66922e-05 65[s] 1[s] 0.297553 7.64374% 0.305151 8.45%


This is the ADULT dataset from the UCI archieve. The data and the algorithm template files can be downloaded here in order to generate the following results. The training set has 32561 samples, the test set 16281 samples. The number of classes is 2, the number of features is 109. We use 8-fold cross validation.
To generate the results execute $./ELF ADULT t on the console and enable the specific algorithm in the Master.dsc file.

model notes training time prediction time cross validation RMSE cross validation classification error test RMSE test classification error
LR - linear regression 15 search epochs, λ=0.0592731 3[s] 0[s] 0.681173 16.0806% 0.678574 15.7423%
PR - polynomial regression 15 search epochs, polyOrder=2, λ=0.00110125, crossInteractions=no 12[s] 0[s] 0.662291 14.9412% 0.66019 14.7288%
GBDT - gradient boosted decision tree 162 epochs, featureSubspaceSize=10, maxTreeLeafes=50, η=0.1, optSplitPoint=yes 140[s] 1[s] 0.60082 12.7607% 0.601293 12.7019%
KNN - k-nearest neighbors 15 search epochs, distance=euclidean, k=13 155[s] 88[s] 0.814904 21.3753% 0.811027 20.9139%
NN - neural network 16 epochs, stochastic gradient descent, Net: 109-30-20-2 , η=0.001, λ=0 45[s] 1[s] 0.635936 14.5757% 0.637256 14.7595%
KRR - kernel ridge regression 30 search epochs, gauss kernel, sigma=19.1556, λ=1.1675e-05, (maxThreadsInCross=2) 36148[s] 83[s] 0.644849 14.932% 0.64379 14.6797%