
00001 #include "GBDT.h"
00003 extern StreamOutput cout;
00012 bool compareNodeReduced ( nodeReduced n0, nodeReduced n1 )
00013 {
00014     return n0.m_size < n1.m_size;
00015 }
00020 GBDT::GBDT()
00021 {
00022     cout<<"GBDT"<<endl;
00023     // init member vars
00024     m_featureSubspaceSize = 0;
00025     m_maxTreeLeafes = 0;
00026     m_useOptSplitPoint = true;
00027     m_lRate = 0.0;
00028     m_globalMean = 0;
00029     m_calculateGlobalMean = true;
00030     m_treeTargets = 0;
00031 }
00036 GBDT::~GBDT()
00037 {
00038     cout<<"descructor GBDT"<<endl;
00039 }
00045 void GBDT::readSpecificMaps()
00046 {
00047     m_featureSubspaceSize = m_intMap["featureSubspaceSize"];
00048     m_maxTreeLeafes = m_intMap["maxTreeLeafes"];
00049     m_useOptSplitPoint = m_boolMap["useOptSplitPoint"];
00050     m_calculateGlobalMean = m_boolMap["calculateGlobalMean"];
00051     m_lRate = m_doubleMap["lRate"];
00052 }
00058 void GBDT::modelInit()
00059 {
00060     // add tunable parameters
00061     m_epoch = 0;
00062     paramEpochValues.push_back ( &m_epoch );
00063     paramEpochNames.push_back ( "epoch" );
00065     if ( m_featureSubspaceSize > m_nFeatures )
00066         m_featureSubspaceSize = m_nFeatures;
00068     // global mean per target and cross run
00069     m_globalMean = new REAL*[m_nCross+1];
00070     for ( int i=0;i<m_nCross+1;i++ )
00071     {
00072         m_globalMean[i] = new REAL[m_nClass*m_nDomain];
00073         for ( int j=0;j<m_nClass*m_nDomain;j++ )
00074             m_globalMean[i][j] = 0.0;
00075     }
00077     // used during training to speedup
00078     m_treeTargets = new REAL*[m_nCross+1];
00079     for ( int i=0;i<m_nCross;i++ )
00080         m_treeTargets[i] = new REAL[m_trainSize[i]*m_nClass*m_nDomain];
00081     m_treeTargets[m_nCross] = new REAL[m_trainSize[m_nCross]*m_nClass*m_nDomain];
00083     // allocate the trees
00084     m_trees = new node**[m_nCross+1];
00085     for ( int i=0;i<m_nCross+1;i++ )
00086     {
00087         m_trees[i] = new node*[m_nClass*m_nDomain];
00088         for ( uint j=0;j<m_nClass*m_nDomain;j++ )
00089         {
00090             m_trees[i][j] = new node[m_maxTuninigEpochs];
00091             for ( uint k=0;k<m_maxTuninigEpochs;k++ )
00092             {
00093                 m_trees[i][j][k].m_featureNr = -1;
00094                 m_trees[i][j][k].m_value = 1e10;
00095                 m_trees[i][j][k].m_toSmallerEqual = 0;
00096                 m_trees[i][j][k].m_toLarger = 0;
00097                 m_trees[i][j][k].m_trainSamples = 0;
00098                 m_trees[i][j][k].m_nSamples = -1;
00099             }
00100         }
00101     }
00103     // allocate mem for predictions of the probe set
00104     if(m_validationType == "ValidationSet")
00105     {
00106         m_validationPredictions = new double*[1];
00107         m_validationPredictions[0] = new double[m_nClass*m_nDomain*m_validSize];
00108         for(int i=0;i<m_nClass*m_nDomain*m_validSize;i++)
00109             m_validationPredictions[0][i] = 0.0;
00110     }
00111     else
00112     {
00113         m_validationPredictions = new double*[m_nCross];
00114         for(int i=0;i<m_nCross;i++)
00115         {
00116             m_validationPredictions[i] = new double[m_nClass*m_nDomain*m_probeSize[i]];
00117             for(int j=0;j<m_nClass*m_nDomain*m_probeSize[i];j++)
00118                 m_validationPredictions[i][j] = 0.0;
00119         }
00120     }
00121     // fix randomness
00122     srand ( Framework::getRandomSeed() );
00123 }
00133 void GBDT::predictAllOutputs ( REAL* rawInputs, REAL* outputs, uint nSamples, uint crossRun )
00134 {
00135     bool mode = Framework::getFrameworkMode();
00136     // predict all values in: REAL* outputs
00137     for ( uint i=0;i<nSamples;i++ )
00138     {
00139         REAL* ptr = rawInputs + i * m_nFeatures;
00141         // all REAL targets
00142         for ( uint j=0;j<m_nClass*m_nDomain;j++ )
00143         {
00144             if((crossRun >= m_nCross && m_validationType != "ValidationSet") || mode)
00145             {
00146                 double sum = m_globalMean[crossRun][j];
00147                 // for every boosting epoch : CORRECT, but slower
00148                 for ( int k=0;k<m_epoch+1;k++ )
00149                 {
00150                     REAL v = predictSingleTree ( & ( m_trees[crossRun][j][k] ), ptr );
00151                     sum += m_lRate * v;  // this is gradient boosting
00152                 }
00153                 outputs[i*m_nClass*m_nDomain + j] = sum;
00154             }
00155             else
00156             {
00157                 // prediction from previous trees
00158                 double sum = m_validationPredictions[crossRun][i*m_nClass*m_nDomain + j];
00159                 double v = predictSingleTree ( & ( m_trees[crossRun][j][m_epoch] ), ptr );
00160                 sum += m_lRate * v;  // this is gradient boosting
00161                 m_validationPredictions[crossRun][i*m_nClass*m_nDomain + j] = sum;
00162                 outputs[i*m_nClass*m_nDomain + j] = sum + (double)m_globalMean[crossRun][j];
00163             }
00164         }
00165     }
00166 }
00175 REAL GBDT::predictSingleTree ( node* n, REAL* input )
00176 {
00177     // here, on a leaf: predict the constant value
00178     if ( n->m_toSmallerEqual == 0 && n->m_toLarger == 0 )
00179         return n->m_value;
00181     int nr = n->m_featureNr;
00182     /*if(nr < 0 || nr >= m_nFeatures)
00183     {
00184         cout<<endl<<"Feature nr: "<<nr<<" (max:"<<m_nFeatures<<")"<<endl;
00185         assert(false);
00186     }*/
00187     REAL thresh = n->m_value;
00188     REAL feature = input[nr];
00190     if ( feature <= thresh )
00191         return predictSingleTree ( n->m_toSmallerEqual, input );
00192     return predictSingleTree ( n->m_toLarger, input );
00193 }
00204 void GBDT::modelUpdate ( REAL* input, REAL* target, uint nSamples, uint crossRun )
00205 {
00206     REAL* singleTarget = new REAL[nSamples];
00207     REAL* inputTmp = new REAL[nSamples*m_featureSubspaceSize];
00208     REAL* inputTargetsSort = new REAL[nSamples*m_featureSubspaceSize];
00209     bool* usedFeatures = new bool[m_nFeatures];
00210     int* sortIndex = new int[nSamples];
00211     int* radixTmp0 = new int[nSamples];
00212     REAL* radixTmp1 = new REAL[nSamples];
00214     if ( crossRun == m_nCross && m_validationType != "ValidationSet")
00215         m_epoch = 0;
00217     uint loopEnd = 1;
00218     if(crossRun==m_nCross && m_validationType != "ValidationSet")
00219         loopEnd = m_epochParamBest[0]+1;
00221     for ( uint boostLoop=0;boostLoop < loopEnd;boostLoop++ )
00222     {
00223         time_t t0 = time ( 0 );
00224         if ( crossRun == m_nCross && m_validationType != "ValidationSet" )
00225             cout<<"epoch:"<<m_epoch<<" "<<flush;
00227         // train the model here
00228         for ( uint i=0;i<m_nClass*m_nDomain;i++ ) // for each target
00229         {
00230             // calc the global mean
00231             if ( m_epoch == 0 )
00232             {
00233                 double sum = 0.0;
00234                 if ( m_calculateGlobalMean )
00235                 {
00236                     for ( uint j=0;j<nSamples;j++ )
00237                         sum += target[j*m_nClass*m_nDomain+i];
00238                     sum /= ( double ) nSamples;
00239                 }
00240                 m_globalMean[crossRun][i] = sum;
00241                 cout<<"globalMean:"<<sum<<" "<<flush;
00243                 for ( uint j=0;j<nSamples;j++ )
00244                     m_treeTargets[crossRun][i*nSamples+j] = target[j*m_nClass*m_nDomain+i] - sum;
00245             }
00247             for ( uint j=0;j<nSamples;j++ )
00248                 singleTarget[j] = m_treeTargets[crossRun][i*nSamples+j];
00250             deque<nodeReduced> largestNodes;
00251             for ( uint j=0;j<m_nFeatures;j++ )
00252                 usedFeatures[j] = false;
00254             // root node has all examples in the training list
00255             m_trees[crossRun][i][m_epoch].m_trainSamples = new int[nSamples];
00256             m_trees[crossRun][i][m_epoch].m_nSamples = nSamples;
00257             int* ptr = m_trees[crossRun][i][m_epoch].m_trainSamples;
00258             for ( uint j=0;j<nSamples;j++ )
00259                 ptr[j] = j;
00261             nodeReduced firstNode;
00262             firstNode.m_node = & ( m_trees[crossRun][i][m_epoch] );
00263             firstNode.m_size = nSamples;
00264             largestNodes.push_back ( firstNode );
00265             push_heap ( largestNodes.begin(), largestNodes.end(), compareNodeReduced );
00267             // train the tree loop wise
00268             // call trainSingleTree recursive for the largest node
00269             for ( int j=0;j<m_maxTreeLeafes;j++ )
00270             {
00271                 node* largestNode = largestNodes[0].m_node;
00272                 trainSingleTree ( largestNode, largestNodes, input, inputTmp, inputTargetsSort, singleTarget, usedFeatures, nSamples, sortIndex, radixTmp0, radixTmp1 );
00273             }
00275             //cout<<"["<<(int)largestNodes.size()<<"|"<<flush;
00277             // delete the train lists per node, they are not necessary for prediction
00278             cleanTree ( & ( m_trees[crossRun][i][m_epoch] ) );
00280             // update the targets/residuals and calc train error
00281             double trainRMSE = 0.0;
00282             //fstream f("tmp/a0.txt",ios::out);
00283             for ( uint j=0;j<nSamples;j++ )
00284             {
00285                 REAL p = predictSingleTree ( & ( m_trees[crossRun][i][m_epoch] ), input+j*m_nFeatures );
00286                 //f<<p<<endl;
00287                 m_treeTargets[crossRun][i*nSamples+j] -= m_lRate * p;
00288                 double err = m_treeTargets[crossRun][i*nSamples+j];
00289                 trainRMSE += err * err;
00290             }
00292             if ( crossRun == m_nCross )
00293                 cout<<"tRMSE["<<i<<"]:"<<sqrt ( trainRMSE/ ( double ) nSamples ) <<" "<<flush;
00294             //f.close();
00295         }
00297         if ( crossRun == m_nCross && boostLoop < m_epochParamBest[0] && m_validationType != "ValidationSet")
00298         {
00299             cout<<time ( 0 )-t0<<"[s]"<<endl;
00300             m_epoch++;
00301         }
00302     }
00303     delete[] usedFeatures;
00304     delete[] singleTarget;
00305     delete[] inputTmp;
00306     delete[] inputTargetsSort;
00307     delete[] sortIndex;
00308     delete[] radixTmp0;
00309     delete[] radixTmp1;
00311 }
00319 void GBDT::cleanTree ( node* n )
00320 {
00321     if ( n->m_trainSamples )
00322     {
00323         delete[] n->m_trainSamples;
00324         n->m_trainSamples = 0;
00325     }
00326     n->m_nSamples = 0;
00328     if ( n->m_toSmallerEqual )
00329         cleanTree ( n->m_toSmallerEqual );
00330     if ( n->m_toLarger )
00331         cleanTree ( n->m_toLarger );
00332 }
00347 void GBDT::trainSingleTree ( node* n, deque<nodeReduced> &largestNodes, REAL* input, REAL* inputTmp, REAL* inputTargetsSort, REAL* singleTarget, bool* usedFeatures, int nSamples, int* sortIndex, int* radixTmp0, REAL* radixTmp1)
00348 {
00349     // break criteria: tree size limit or too less training samples
00350     int nS = largestNodes.size();
00351     if ( nS >= m_maxTreeLeafes || n->m_nSamples <= 1 )
00352         return;
00354     // delete the current node (is currently the largest element in the heap)
00355     if ( largestNodes.size() > 0 )
00356     {
00357         //largestNodes.pop_front();
00358         pop_heap ( largestNodes.begin(),largestNodes.end(),compareNodeReduced );
00359         largestNodes.pop_back();
00360     }
00362     // the number of training samples in this node
00363     int nNodeSamples = n->m_nSamples;
00365     // this tmp array is used to fast drawing a random subset
00366     int *randFeatureIDs = new int[m_featureSubspaceSize];
00367     if ( m_featureSubspaceSize < m_nFeatures ) // select a random feature subset
00368     {
00369         for ( uint i=0;i<m_featureSubspaceSize;i++ )
00370         {
00371             uint idx = rand() % m_nFeatures;
00372             while ( usedFeatures[idx] )
00373                 idx = rand() % m_nFeatures;
00374             randFeatureIDs[i] = idx;
00375             usedFeatures[idx] = true;
00376         }
00377     }
00378     else  // take all features
00379         for ( uint i=0;i<m_featureSubspaceSize;i++ )
00380             randFeatureIDs[i] = i;
00382     // precalc sums and squared sums of targets
00383     double sumTarget = 0.0, sum2Target = 0.0;
00384     for ( uint j=0;j<nNodeSamples;j++ )
00385     {
00386         REAL v = singleTarget[n->m_trainSamples[j]];
00387         sumTarget += v;
00388         sum2Target += v*v;
00389     }
00391     int bestFeature = -1, bestFeaturePos = -1;
00392     double bestFeatureRMSE = 1e10;
00393     REAL bestFeatureLow = 1e10, bestFeatureHi = 1e10;
00394     REAL optFeatureSplitValue = 1e10;
00396     // search optimal split point in all tmp input features
00397     for ( int i=0;i<m_featureSubspaceSize;i++ )
00398     {
00399         // search the optimal split value, which reduce the RMSE the most
00400         REAL optimalSplitValue = 0.0;
00401         double rmseBest = 1e10;
00402         REAL meanLowBest = 1e10, meanHiBest = 1e10;
00403         int bestPos = -1;
00404         double sumLow = 0.0, sum2Low = 0.0, sumHi = sumTarget, sum2Hi = sum2Target, cntLow = 0.0, cntHi = nNodeSamples;
00405         REAL* ptrInput = inputTmp + i * nNodeSamples;
00406         REAL* ptrTarget = inputTargetsSort + i * nNodeSamples;
00408         // copy
00409         int nr = randFeatureIDs[i];
00410         for ( int j=0;j<nNodeSamples;j++ )
00411             ptrInput[j] = input[nr+n->m_trainSamples[j]*m_nFeatures];
00413         if ( m_useOptSplitPoint == false ) // random threshold value
00414         {
00415             for ( int j=0;j<nNodeSamples;j++ )
00416                 ptrTarget[j] = singleTarget[n->m_trainSamples[j]];
00418             REAL* ptrInput = inputTmp + i * nNodeSamples;
00419             bestPos = rand() % nNodeSamples;
00420             optimalSplitValue = ptrInput[bestPos];
00421             sumLow = 0.0;
00422             sum2Low = 0.0;
00423             cntLow = 0.0;
00424             sumHi = 0.0;
00425             sum2Hi = 0.0;
00426             cntHi = 0.0;
00427             for ( int j=0;j<nNodeSamples;j++ )
00428             {
00429                 REAL v = ptrInput[j];
00430                 REAL t = ptrTarget[j];
00431                 if ( ptrInput[j] <= optimalSplitValue )
00432                 {
00433                     sumLow += t;
00434                     sum2Low += t*t;
00435                     cntLow += 1.0;
00436                 }
00437                 else
00438                 {
00439                     sumHi += t;
00440                     sum2Hi += t*t;
00441                     cntHi += 1.0;
00442                 }
00443             }
00444             rmseBest = ( sum2Low/cntLow - ( sumLow/cntLow ) * ( sumLow/cntLow ) ) *cntLow;
00445             rmseBest += ( sum2Hi/cntHi - ( sumHi/cntHi ) * ( sumHi/cntHi ) ) *cntHi;
00446             rmseBest = sqrt ( rmseBest/ ( cntLow+cntHi ) );
00447             meanLowBest = sumLow/cntLow;
00448             meanHiBest = sumHi/cntHi;
00449         }
00450         else  // search for the optimal threshold value, goal: best RMSE reduction split
00451         {
00452             // fast sort of the input dimension
00453             for ( int j=0;j<nNodeSamples;j++ )
00454                 sortIndex[j] = j;
00456             //SORT_ASCEND_I ( ptrInput, sortIndex, nNodeSamples );
00457             //for ( int j=0;j<nNodeSamples;j++ )
00458             //    ptrTarget[j] = singleTarget[n->m_trainSamples[sortIndex[j]]];
00460             /*vector<pair<REAL,int> > list(nNodeSamples);
00461             for(int j=0;j<nNodeSamples;j++)
00462             {
00463                 list[j].first = ptrInput[j];
00464                 list[j].second = sortIndex[j];
00465             }
00466             sort(list.begin(),list.end());
00467             for(int j=0;j<nNodeSamples;j++)
00468             {
00469                 ptrInput[j] = list[j].first;
00470                 sortIndex[j] = list[j].second;
00471             }
00472             for ( int j=0;j<nNodeSamples;j++ )
00473                 ptrTarget[j] = singleTarget[n->m_trainSamples[sortIndex[j]]];
00474             */
00476             SORT_ASCEND_RADIX_I ( ptrInput, sizeof(REAL), sortIndex, radixTmp0, nNodeSamples);
00477             for(int j=0;j<nNodeSamples;j++)
00478                 radixTmp1[j] = ptrInput[j];
00479             for(int j=0;j<nNodeSamples;j++)
00480             {
00481                 int idx = sortIndex[j];
00482                 ptrInput[j] = radixTmp1[idx];
00483                 ptrTarget[j] = singleTarget[n->m_trainSamples[idx]];
00484             }
00486             int j = 0;
00487             while ( j < nNodeSamples-1 )
00488             {
00489                 REAL t = ptrTarget[j];
00490                 sumLow += t;
00491                 sum2Low += t*t;
00492                 sumHi -= t;
00493                 sum2Hi -= t*t;
00494                 cntLow += 1.0;
00495                 cntHi -= 1.0;
00497                 REAL v0 = ptrInput[j], v1 = 1e10;
00498                 if ( j < nNodeSamples -1 )
00499                     v1 = ptrInput[j+1];
00500                 if ( v0 == v1 ) // skip equal successors
00501                 {
00502                     j++;
00503                     continue;
00504                 }
00506                 double rmse = ( sum2Low/cntLow - ( sumLow/cntLow ) * ( sumLow/cntLow ) ) *cntLow;
00507                 rmse += ( sum2Hi/cntHi   - ( sumHi/cntHi ) * ( sumHi/cntHi ) ) *cntHi;
00508                 rmse = sqrt ( rmse/ ( cntLow+cntHi ) );
00510                 if ( rmse < rmseBest )
00511                 {
00512                     optimalSplitValue = v0;
00513                     rmseBest = rmse;
00514                     bestPos = j+1;
00515                     meanLowBest = sumLow/cntLow;
00516                     meanHiBest = sumHi/cntHi;
00517                 }
00519                 j++;
00520             }
00521         }
00523         if ( rmseBest < bestFeatureRMSE )
00524         {
00525             bestFeature = i;
00526             bestFeaturePos = bestPos;
00527             bestFeatureRMSE = rmseBest;
00528             optFeatureSplitValue = optimalSplitValue;
00529             bestFeatureLow = meanLowBest;
00530             bestFeatureHi = meanHiBest;
00531         }
00532     }
00534     // unmark the selected inputs
00535     for ( uint i=0;i<m_nFeatures;i++ )
00536         usedFeatures[i] = false;
00538     n->m_featureNr = randFeatureIDs[bestFeature];
00539     n->m_value = optFeatureSplitValue;
00541     delete[] randFeatureIDs;
00543     if ( n->m_featureNr < 0 || n->m_featureNr >= m_nFeatures )
00544     {
00545         cout<<"f="<<n->m_featureNr<<endl;
00546         assert ( false );
00547     }
00549     // count the samples of the low node
00550     int cnt = 0;
00551     for ( int i=0;i<nNodeSamples;i++ )
00552     {
00553         int nr = n->m_featureNr;
00554         if ( input[nr + n->m_trainSamples[i]*m_nFeatures] <= optFeatureSplitValue )
00555             cnt++;
00556     }
00558     int* lowList = new int[cnt];
00559     int* hiList = new int[nNodeSamples-cnt];
00560     if ( cnt == 0 )
00561         lowList = 0;
00562     if ( nNodeSamples-cnt == 0 )
00563         hiList = 0;
00565     int lowCnt = 0, hiCnt = 0;
00566     double lowMean = 0.0, hiMean = 0.0;
00567     for ( int i=0;i<nNodeSamples;i++ )
00568     {
00569         int nr = n->m_featureNr;
00570         if ( input[nr + n->m_trainSamples[i]*m_nFeatures] <= optFeatureSplitValue )
00571         {
00572             lowList[lowCnt] = n->m_trainSamples[i];
00573             lowMean += singleTarget[n->m_trainSamples[i]];
00574             lowCnt++;
00575         }
00576         else
00577         {
00578             hiList[hiCnt] = n->m_trainSamples[i];
00579             hiMean += singleTarget[n->m_trainSamples[i]];
00580             hiCnt++;
00581         }
00582     }
00583     lowMean /= lowCnt;
00584     hiMean /= hiCnt;
00586     if ( hiCnt+lowCnt != nNodeSamples || lowCnt != cnt )
00587         assert ( false );
00589     //cout<<"  #low:"<<lowCnt<<"  #hi:"<<hiCnt<<"  lowMean:"<<lowMean<<"  highMean:"<<hiMean<<endl;
00591     // break, if too less samples
00592     if ( lowCnt < 1 || hiCnt < 1 )
00593     {
00594         n->m_featureNr = -1;
00595         n->m_value = lowCnt < 1 ? hiMean : lowMean;
00596         n->m_toSmallerEqual = 0;
00597         n->m_toLarger = 0;
00598         if ( n->m_trainSamples )
00599             delete[] n->m_trainSamples;
00600         n->m_trainSamples = 0;
00601         n->m_nSamples = 0;
00603         nodeReduced currentNode;
00604         currentNode.m_node = n;
00605         currentNode.m_size = 0;
00606         largestNodes.push_back ( currentNode );
00607         push_heap ( largestNodes.begin(), largestNodes.end(), compareNodeReduced );
00609         return;
00610     }
00612     // prepare first new node
00613     n->m_toSmallerEqual = new node;
00614     n->m_toSmallerEqual->m_featureNr = -1;
00615     n->m_toSmallerEqual->m_value = lowMean;
00616     n->m_toSmallerEqual->m_toSmallerEqual = 0;
00617     n->m_toSmallerEqual->m_toLarger = 0;
00618     n->m_toSmallerEqual->m_trainSamples = lowList;
00619     n->m_toSmallerEqual->m_nSamples = lowCnt;
00621     // prepare second new node
00622     n->m_toLarger = new node;
00623     n->m_toLarger->m_featureNr = -1;
00624     n->m_toLarger->m_value = hiMean;
00625     n->m_toLarger->m_toSmallerEqual = 0;
00626     n->m_toLarger->m_toLarger = 0;
00627     n->m_toLarger->m_trainSamples = hiList;
00628     n->m_toLarger->m_nSamples = hiCnt;
00630     // add the new two nodes to the heap
00631     nodeReduced lowNode, hiNode;
00632     lowNode.m_node = n->m_toSmallerEqual;
00633     lowNode.m_size = lowCnt;
00634     hiNode.m_node = n->m_toLarger;
00635     hiNode.m_size = hiCnt;
00637     largestNodes.push_back ( lowNode );
00638     push_heap ( largestNodes.begin(), largestNodes.end(), compareNodeReduced );
00640     largestNodes.push_back ( hiNode );
00641     push_heap ( largestNodes.begin(), largestNodes.end(), compareNodeReduced );
00642 }
00648 void GBDT::saveWeights ( int cross )
00649 {
00650     char buf[1024];
00651     sprintf ( buf,"%02d",cross );
00652     string name = m_datasetPath + "/" + m_tempPath + "/" + m_weightFile + "." + buf;
00653     if ( m_inRetraining )
00654         cout<<"Save:"<<name<<endl;
00655     fstream f ( name.c_str(), ios::out );
00657     // save learnrate
00658     f.write ( ( char* ) &m_lRate, sizeof ( double ) );
00660     // save number of epochs
00661     f.write ( ( char* ) &m_epoch, sizeof ( int ) );
00663     // save global means
00664     f.write ( ( char* ) m_globalMean[cross], sizeof ( REAL ) *m_nClass*m_nDomain );
00666     // save trees
00667     for ( int i=0;i<m_nClass*m_nDomain;i++ )
00668         for ( int j=0;j<m_epoch+1;j++ )
00669             saveTreeRecursive ( & ( m_trees[cross][i][j] ), f );
00671     f.close();
00672 }
00680 void GBDT::saveTreeRecursive ( node* n, fstream &f )
00681 {
00682     f.write ( ( char* ) n, sizeof ( node ) );
00683     if ( n->m_toSmallerEqual )
00684         saveTreeRecursive ( n->m_toSmallerEqual, f );
00685     if ( n->m_toLarger )
00686         saveTreeRecursive ( n->m_toLarger, f );
00687 }
00693 void GBDT::loadWeights ( int cross )
00694 {
00695     char buf[1024];
00696     sprintf ( buf,"%02d",cross );
00697     string name = m_datasetPath + "/" + m_tempPath + "/" + m_weightFile + "." + buf;
00698     cout<<"Load:"<<name<<endl;
00699     fstream f ( name.c_str(), ios::in );
00700     if ( f.is_open() == false )
00701         assert ( false );
00703     // load learnrate
00704 ( ( char* ) &m_lRate, sizeof ( double ) );
00706     // load number of epochs
00707 ( ( char* ) &m_epoch, sizeof ( int ) );
00709     // load global means
00710     m_globalMean = new REAL*[m_nCross+1];
00711     m_globalMean[cross] = new REAL[m_nClass*m_nDomain];
00712 ( ( char* ) m_globalMean[cross], sizeof ( REAL ) *m_nClass*m_nDomain );
00714     // allocate and load the trees
00715     m_trees = new node**[m_nCross+1];
00716     m_trees[cross] = new node*[m_nClass*m_nDomain];
00717     for ( uint i=0;i<m_nClass*m_nDomain;i++ )
00718     {
00719         m_trees[cross][i] = new node[m_epoch+1];
00720         for ( uint j=0;j<m_epoch+1;j++ )
00721             loadTreeRecursive ( & ( m_trees[cross][i][j] ), f );
00722     }
00724     f.close();
00725 }
00730 void GBDT::loadMetaWeights ( int cross )
00731 {
00732     // nothing to do in a gradient-descent based algorithm
00733 }
00741 void GBDT::loadTreeRecursive ( node* n, fstream &f )
00742 {
00743 ( ( char* ) n, sizeof ( node ) );
00745     if ( n->m_toSmallerEqual )
00746     {
00747         n->m_toSmallerEqual = new node;
00748         loadTreeRecursive ( n->m_toSmallerEqual, f );
00749     }
00750     if ( n->m_toLarger )
00751     {
00752         n->m_toLarger = new node;
00753         loadTreeRecursive ( n->m_toLarger, f );
00754     }
00755 }
00762 string GBDT::templateGenerator ( int id, string preEffect, int nameID, bool blendStop )
00763 {
00764     stringstream s;
00765     s<<"ALGORITHM=GBDT"<<endl;
00766     s<<"ID="<<id<<endl;
00767     s<<"TRAIN_ON_FULLPREDICTOR="<<preEffect<<endl;
00768     s<<"DISABLE=0"<<endl;
00769     s<<endl;
00770     s<<"[int]"<<endl;
00771     s<<"minTuninigEpochs=20"<<endl;
00772     s<<"maxTuninigEpochs=100"<<endl;
00773     s<<"featureSubspaceSize=10"<<endl;
00774     s<<"maxTreeLeafs=100"<<endl;
00775     s<<endl;
00776     s<<"[double]"<<endl;
00777     s<<"initMaxSwing=1.0"<<endl;
00778     s<<"lRate=0.1"<<endl;
00779     s<<endl;
00780     s<<"[bool]"<<endl;
00781     s<<"calculateGlobalMean=1"<<endl;
00782     s<<"useOptSplitPoint=1"<<endl;
00783     s<<"enableClipping=0"<<endl;
00784     s<<"enableTuneSwing=0"<<endl;
00785     s<<endl;
00786     s<<"minimzeProbe="<< ( !blendStop ) <<endl;
00787     s<<"minimzeProbeClassificationError=0"<<endl;
00788     s<<"minimzeBlend="<<blendStop<<endl;
00789     s<<"minimzeBlendClassificationError=0"<<endl;
00790     s<<endl;
00791     s<<"[string]"<<endl;
00792     s<<"weightFile="<<"GBDT_"<<nameID<<"_weights.dat"<<endl;
00793     s<<"fullPrediction=GBDT_"<<nameID<<".dat"<<endl;
00795     return s.str();
00796 }

Generated on Tue Jan 26 09:20:59 2010 for ELF by  doxygen 1.5.8