GBDT Class Reference

#include <GBDT.h>

Inheritance diagram for GBDT:

StandardAlgorithm Framework Algorithm AutomaticParameterTuner AUC Framework Framework Data Framework Framework Framework

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 GBDT ()
 ~GBDT ()
virtual void modelInit ()
virtual void modelUpdate (REAL *input, REAL *target, uint nSamples, uint crossRun)
virtual void predictAllOutputs (REAL *rawInputs, REAL *outputs, uint nSamples, uint crossRun)
virtual void readSpecificMaps ()
virtual void saveWeights (int cross)
virtual void loadWeights (int cross)
virtual void loadMetaWeights (int cross)

Static Public Member Functions

static string templateGenerator (int id, string preEffect, int nameID, bool blendStop)

Private Member Functions

void trainSingleTree (node *n, deque< nodeReduced > &largestNodes, REAL *input, REAL *inputTmp, REAL *inputTargetsSort, REAL *singleTarget, bool *usedFeatures, int nSamples, int *sortIndex, int *radixTmp0, REAL *radixTmp1)
void cleanTree (node *n)
REAL predictSingleTree (node *n, REAL *input)
void saveTreeRecursive (node *n, fstream &f)
void loadTreeRecursive (node *n, fstream &f)

Private Attributes

node *** m_trees
int m_epoch
REAL ** m_globalMean
REAL ** m_treeTargets
double ** m_validationPredictions
int m_featureSubspaceSize
int m_maxTreeLeafes
bool m_useOptSplitPoint
bool m_calculateGlobalMean
double m_lRate

Detailed Description

Gradient boosted decision tree An extention to: Jerome H. Friedman 1999 "Stochastic Gradient Boosting"

The tree is build in a greedy fashion, to minimize the RMSE of the prediction Greedy means that always the largest node gets splitted

Splits can be performed optimally (in terms of RMSE) or random value (uniform sample indices) Subspace size can be selected (number of features considered in a split)

Definition at line 42 of file GBDT.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

GBDT::GBDT (  ) 


Definition at line 20 of file GBDT.cpp.

00021 {
00022     cout<<"GBDT"<<endl;
00023     // init member vars
00024     m_featureSubspaceSize = 0;
00025     m_maxTreeLeafes = 0;
00026     m_useOptSplitPoint = true;
00027     m_lRate = 0.0;
00028     m_globalMean = 0;
00029     m_calculateGlobalMean = true;
00030     m_treeTargets = 0;
00031 }

GBDT::~GBDT (  ) 


Definition at line 36 of file GBDT.cpp.

00037 {
00038     cout<<"descructor GBDT"<<endl;
00039 }

Member Function Documentation

void GBDT::cleanTree ( node n  )  [private]

Cleans the tree This should be done after training to remove unneccessary information

n pointer too root node

Definition at line 319 of file GBDT.cpp.

00320 {
00321     if ( n->m_trainSamples )
00322     {
00323         delete[] n->m_trainSamples;
00324         n->m_trainSamples = 0;
00325     }
00326     n->m_nSamples = 0;
00328     if ( n->m_toSmallerEqual )
00329         cleanTree ( n->m_toSmallerEqual );
00330     if ( n->m_toLarger )
00331         cleanTree ( n->m_toLarger );
00332 }

void GBDT::loadMetaWeights ( int  cross  )  [virtual]

nothing to do in a gradient-descent based algorithm

Implements StandardAlgorithm.

Definition at line 730 of file GBDT.cpp.

00731 {
00732     // nothing to do in a gradient-descent based algorithm
00733 }

void GBDT::loadTreeRecursive ( node n,
fstream &  f 
) [private]

Load the tree and all nodes

n current node
f referece to the fstream object

Definition at line 741 of file GBDT.cpp.

00742 {
00743 ( ( char* ) n, sizeof ( node ) );
00745     if ( n->m_toSmallerEqual )
00746     {
00747         n->m_toSmallerEqual = new node;
00748         loadTreeRecursive ( n->m_toSmallerEqual, f );
00749     }
00750     if ( n->m_toLarger )
00751     {
00752         n->m_toLarger = new node;
00753         loadTreeRecursive ( n->m_toLarger, f );
00754     }
00755 }

void GBDT::loadWeights ( int  cross  )  [virtual]

Load the weights and all other parameters and make the model ready to predict

Implements StandardAlgorithm.

Definition at line 693 of file GBDT.cpp.

00694 {
00695     char buf[1024];
00696     sprintf ( buf,"%02d",cross );
00697     string name = m_datasetPath + "/" + m_tempPath + "/" + m_weightFile + "." + buf;
00698     cout<<"Load:"<<name<<endl;
00699     fstream f ( name.c_str(), ios::in );
00700     if ( f.is_open() == false )
00701         assert ( false );
00703     // load learnrate
00704 ( ( char* ) &m_lRate, sizeof ( double ) );
00706     // load number of epochs
00707 ( ( char* ) &m_epoch, sizeof ( int ) );
00709     // load global means
00710     m_globalMean = new REAL*[m_nCross+1];
00711     m_globalMean[cross] = new REAL[m_nClass*m_nDomain];
00712 ( ( char* ) m_globalMean[cross], sizeof ( REAL ) *m_nClass*m_nDomain );
00714     // allocate and load the trees
00715     m_trees = new node**[m_nCross+1];
00716     m_trees[cross] = new node*[m_nClass*m_nDomain];
00717     for ( uint i=0;i<m_nClass*m_nDomain;i++ )
00718     {
00719         m_trees[cross][i] = new node[m_epoch+1];
00720         for ( uint j=0;j<m_epoch+1;j++ )
00721             loadTreeRecursive ( & ( m_trees[cross][i][j] ), f );
00722     }
00724     f.close();
00725 }

void GBDT::modelInit (  )  [virtual]

Init the GBDT Model

Implements StandardAlgorithm.

Definition at line 58 of file GBDT.cpp.

00059 {
00060     // add tunable parameters
00061     m_epoch = 0;
00062     paramEpochValues.push_back ( &m_epoch );
00063     paramEpochNames.push_back ( "epoch" );
00065     if ( m_featureSubspaceSize > m_nFeatures )
00066         m_featureSubspaceSize = m_nFeatures;
00068     // global mean per target and cross run
00069     m_globalMean = new REAL*[m_nCross+1];
00070     for ( int i=0;i<m_nCross+1;i++ )
00071     {
00072         m_globalMean[i] = new REAL[m_nClass*m_nDomain];
00073         for ( int j=0;j<m_nClass*m_nDomain;j++ )
00074             m_globalMean[i][j] = 0.0;
00075     }
00077     // used during training to speedup
00078     m_treeTargets = new REAL*[m_nCross+1];
00079     for ( int i=0;i<m_nCross;i++ )
00080         m_treeTargets[i] = new REAL[m_trainSize[i]*m_nClass*m_nDomain];
00081     m_treeTargets[m_nCross] = new REAL[m_trainSize[m_nCross]*m_nClass*m_nDomain];
00083     // allocate the trees
00084     m_trees = new node**[m_nCross+1];
00085     for ( int i=0;i<m_nCross+1;i++ )
00086     {
00087         m_trees[i] = new node*[m_nClass*m_nDomain];
00088         for ( uint j=0;j<m_nClass*m_nDomain;j++ )
00089         {
00090             m_trees[i][j] = new node[m_maxTuninigEpochs];
00091             for ( uint k=0;k<m_maxTuninigEpochs;k++ )
00092             {
00093                 m_trees[i][j][k].m_featureNr = -1;
00094                 m_trees[i][j][k].m_value = 1e10;
00095                 m_trees[i][j][k].m_toSmallerEqual = 0;
00096                 m_trees[i][j][k].m_toLarger = 0;
00097                 m_trees[i][j][k].m_trainSamples = 0;
00098                 m_trees[i][j][k].m_nSamples = -1;
00099             }
00100         }
00101     }
00103     // allocate mem for predictions of the probe set
00104     if(m_validationType == "ValidationSet")
00105     {
00106         m_validationPredictions = new double*[1];
00107         m_validationPredictions[0] = new double[m_nClass*m_nDomain*m_validSize];
00108         for(int i=0;i<m_nClass*m_nDomain*m_validSize;i++)
00109             m_validationPredictions[0][i] = 0.0;
00110     }
00111     else
00112     {
00113         m_validationPredictions = new double*[m_nCross];
00114         for(int i=0;i<m_nCross;i++)
00115         {
00116             m_validationPredictions[i] = new double[m_nClass*m_nDomain*m_probeSize[i]];
00117             for(int j=0;j<m_nClass*m_nDomain*m_probeSize[i];j++)
00118                 m_validationPredictions[i][j] = 0.0;
00119         }
00120     }
00121     // fix randomness
00122     srand ( Framework::getRandomSeed() );
00123 }

void GBDT::modelUpdate ( REAL *  input,
REAL *  target,
uint  nSamples,
uint  crossRun 
) [virtual]

Make a model update, set the new cross validation set or set the whole training set for retraining

input Pointer to input (can be cross validation set, or whole training set) (rows x nFeatures)
target The targets (can be cross validation targets)
nSamples The sample size (rows) in input
crossRun The cross validation run (for training)

Implements StandardAlgorithm.

Definition at line 204 of file GBDT.cpp.

00205 {
00206     REAL* singleTarget = new REAL[nSamples];
00207     REAL* inputTmp = new REAL[nSamples*m_featureSubspaceSize];
00208     REAL* inputTargetsSort = new REAL[nSamples*m_featureSubspaceSize];
00209     bool* usedFeatures = new bool[m_nFeatures];
00210     int* sortIndex = new int[nSamples];
00211     int* radixTmp0 = new int[nSamples];
00212     REAL* radixTmp1 = new REAL[nSamples];
00214     if ( crossRun == m_nCross && m_validationType != "ValidationSet")
00215         m_epoch = 0;
00217     uint loopEnd = 1;
00218     if(crossRun==m_nCross && m_validationType != "ValidationSet")
00219         loopEnd = m_epochParamBest[0]+1;
00221     for ( uint boostLoop=0;boostLoop < loopEnd;boostLoop++ )
00222     {
00223         time_t t0 = time ( 0 );
00224         if ( crossRun == m_nCross && m_validationType != "ValidationSet" )
00225             cout<<"epoch:"<<m_epoch<<" "<<flush;
00227         // train the model here
00228         for ( uint i=0;i<m_nClass*m_nDomain;i++ ) // for each target
00229         {
00230             // calc the global mean
00231             if ( m_epoch == 0 )
00232             {
00233                 double sum = 0.0;
00234                 if ( m_calculateGlobalMean )
00235                 {
00236                     for ( uint j=0;j<nSamples;j++ )
00237                         sum += target[j*m_nClass*m_nDomain+i];
00238                     sum /= ( double ) nSamples;
00239                 }
00240                 m_globalMean[crossRun][i] = sum;
00241                 cout<<"globalMean:"<<sum<<" "<<flush;
00243                 for ( uint j=0;j<nSamples;j++ )
00244                     m_treeTargets[crossRun][i*nSamples+j] = target[j*m_nClass*m_nDomain+i] - sum;
00245             }
00247             for ( uint j=0;j<nSamples;j++ )
00248                 singleTarget[j] = m_treeTargets[crossRun][i*nSamples+j];
00250             deque<nodeReduced> largestNodes;
00251             for ( uint j=0;j<m_nFeatures;j++ )
00252                 usedFeatures[j] = false;
00254             // root node has all examples in the training list
00255             m_trees[crossRun][i][m_epoch].m_trainSamples = new int[nSamples];
00256             m_trees[crossRun][i][m_epoch].m_nSamples = nSamples;
00257             int* ptr = m_trees[crossRun][i][m_epoch].m_trainSamples;
00258             for ( uint j=0;j<nSamples;j++ )
00259                 ptr[j] = j;
00261             nodeReduced firstNode;
00262             firstNode.m_node = & ( m_trees[crossRun][i][m_epoch] );
00263             firstNode.m_size = nSamples;
00264             largestNodes.push_back ( firstNode );
00265             push_heap ( largestNodes.begin(), largestNodes.end(), compareNodeReduced );
00267             // train the tree loop wise
00268             // call trainSingleTree recursive for the largest node
00269             for ( int j=0;j<m_maxTreeLeafes;j++ )
00270             {
00271                 node* largestNode = largestNodes[0].m_node;
00272                 trainSingleTree ( largestNode, largestNodes, input, inputTmp, inputTargetsSort, singleTarget, usedFeatures, nSamples, sortIndex, radixTmp0, radixTmp1 );
00273             }
00275             //cout<<"["<<(int)largestNodes.size()<<"|"<<flush;
00277             // delete the train lists per node, they are not necessary for prediction
00278             cleanTree ( & ( m_trees[crossRun][i][m_epoch] ) );
00280             // update the targets/residuals and calc train error
00281             double trainRMSE = 0.0;
00282             //fstream f("tmp/a0.txt",ios::out);
00283             for ( uint j=0;j<nSamples;j++ )
00284             {
00285                 REAL p = predictSingleTree ( & ( m_trees[crossRun][i][m_epoch] ), input+j*m_nFeatures );
00286                 //f<<p<<endl;
00287                 m_treeTargets[crossRun][i*nSamples+j] -= m_lRate * p;
00288                 double err = m_treeTargets[crossRun][i*nSamples+j];
00289                 trainRMSE += err * err;
00290             }
00292             if ( crossRun == m_nCross )
00293                 cout<<"tRMSE["<<i<<"]:"<<sqrt ( trainRMSE/ ( double ) nSamples ) <<" "<<flush;
00294             //f.close();
00295         }
00297         if ( crossRun == m_nCross && boostLoop < m_epochParamBest[0] && m_validationType != "ValidationSet")
00298         {
00299             cout<<time ( 0 )-t0<<"[s]"<<endl;
00300             m_epoch++;
00301         }
00302     }
00303     delete[] usedFeatures;
00304     delete[] singleTarget;
00305     delete[] inputTmp;
00306     delete[] inputTargetsSort;
00307     delete[] sortIndex;
00308     delete[] radixTmp0;
00309     delete[] radixTmp1;
00311 }

void GBDT::predictAllOutputs ( REAL *  rawInputs,
REAL *  outputs,
uint  nSamples,
uint  crossRun 
) [virtual]

Prediction for outside use, predicts outputs based on raw input values

rawInputs The input feature, without normalization (raw)
outputs The output value (prediction of target)
nSamples The input size (number of rows)
crossRun Number of cross validation run (in training)

Implements StandardAlgorithm.

Definition at line 133 of file GBDT.cpp.

00134 {
00135     bool mode = Framework::getFrameworkMode();
00136     // predict all values in: REAL* outputs
00137     for ( uint i=0;i<nSamples;i++ )
00138     {
00139         REAL* ptr = rawInputs + i * m_nFeatures;
00141         // all REAL targets
00142         for ( uint j=0;j<m_nClass*m_nDomain;j++ )
00143         {
00144             if((crossRun >= m_nCross && m_validationType != "ValidationSet") || mode)
00145             {
00146                 double sum = m_globalMean[crossRun][j];
00147                 // for every boosting epoch : CORRECT, but slower
00148                 for ( int k=0;k<m_epoch+1;k++ )
00149                 {
00150                     REAL v = predictSingleTree ( & ( m_trees[crossRun][j][k] ), ptr );
00151                     sum += m_lRate * v;  // this is gradient boosting
00152                 }
00153                 outputs[i*m_nClass*m_nDomain + j] = sum;
00154             }
00155             else
00156             {
00157                 // prediction from previous trees
00158                 double sum = m_validationPredictions[crossRun][i*m_nClass*m_nDomain + j];
00159                 double v = predictSingleTree ( & ( m_trees[crossRun][j][m_epoch] ), ptr );
00160                 sum += m_lRate * v;  // this is gradient boosting
00161                 m_validationPredictions[crossRun][i*m_nClass*m_nDomain + j] = sum;
00162                 outputs[i*m_nClass*m_nDomain + j] = sum + (double)m_globalMean[crossRun][j];
00163             }
00164         }
00165     }
00166 }

REAL GBDT::predictSingleTree ( node n,
REAL *  input 
) [private]

Make a prediction from a tree

n The pointer to the root node
input input feature
prediction value

Definition at line 175 of file GBDT.cpp.

00176 {
00177     // here, on a leaf: predict the constant value
00178     if ( n->m_toSmallerEqual == 0 && n->m_toLarger == 0 )
00179         return n->m_value;
00181     int nr = n->m_featureNr;
00182     /*if(nr < 0 || nr >= m_nFeatures)
00183     {
00184         cout<<endl<<"Feature nr: "<<nr<<" (max:"<<m_nFeatures<<")"<<endl;
00185         assert(false);
00186     }*/
00187     REAL thresh = n->m_value;
00188     REAL feature = input[nr];
00190     if ( feature <= thresh )
00191         return predictSingleTree ( n->m_toSmallerEqual, input );
00192     return predictSingleTree ( n->m_toLarger, input );
00193 }

void GBDT::readSpecificMaps (  )  [virtual]

Read the Algorithm specific values from the description file

Implements StandardAlgorithm.

Definition at line 45 of file GBDT.cpp.

00046 {
00047     m_featureSubspaceSize = m_intMap["featureSubspaceSize"];
00048     m_maxTreeLeafes = m_intMap["maxTreeLeafes"];
00049     m_useOptSplitPoint = m_boolMap["useOptSplitPoint"];
00050     m_calculateGlobalMean = m_boolMap["calculateGlobalMean"];
00051     m_lRate = m_doubleMap["lRate"];
00052 }

void GBDT::saveTreeRecursive ( node n,
fstream &  f 
) [private]

Save the tree and all nodes

n current node
f referece to the fstream object

Definition at line 680 of file GBDT.cpp.

00681 {
00682     f.write ( ( char* ) n, sizeof ( node ) );
00683     if ( n->m_toSmallerEqual )
00684         saveTreeRecursive ( n->m_toSmallerEqual, f );
00685     if ( n->m_toLarger )
00686         saveTreeRecursive ( n->m_toLarger, f );
00687 }

void GBDT::saveWeights ( int  cross  )  [virtual]

Save the weights and all other parameters for load the complete prediction model

Implements StandardAlgorithm.

Definition at line 648 of file GBDT.cpp.

00649 {
00650     char buf[1024];
00651     sprintf ( buf,"%02d",cross );
00652     string name = m_datasetPath + "/" + m_tempPath + "/" + m_weightFile + "." + buf;
00653     if ( m_inRetraining )
00654         cout<<"Save:"<<name<<endl;
00655     fstream f ( name.c_str(), ios::out );
00657     // save learnrate
00658     f.write ( ( char* ) &m_lRate, sizeof ( double ) );
00660     // save number of epochs
00661     f.write ( ( char* ) &m_epoch, sizeof ( int ) );
00663     // save global means
00664     f.write ( ( char* ) m_globalMean[cross], sizeof ( REAL ) *m_nClass*m_nDomain );
00666     // save trees
00667     for ( int i=0;i<m_nClass*m_nDomain;i++ )
00668         for ( int j=0;j<m_epoch+1;j++ )
00669             saveTreeRecursive ( & ( m_trees[cross][i][j] ), f );
00671     f.close();
00672 }

string GBDT::templateGenerator ( int  id,
string  preEffect,
int  nameID,
bool  blendStop 
) [static]

Generates a template of the description file

The template string

Definition at line 762 of file GBDT.cpp.

00763 {
00764     stringstream s;
00765     s<<"ALGORITHM=GBDT"<<endl;
00766     s<<"ID="<<id<<endl;
00767     s<<"TRAIN_ON_FULLPREDICTOR="<<preEffect<<endl;
00768     s<<"DISABLE=0"<<endl;
00769     s<<endl;
00770     s<<"[int]"<<endl;
00771     s<<"minTuninigEpochs=20"<<endl;
00772     s<<"maxTuninigEpochs=100"<<endl;
00773     s<<"featureSubspaceSize=10"<<endl;
00774     s<<"maxTreeLeafs=100"<<endl;
00775     s<<endl;
00776     s<<"[double]"<<endl;
00777     s<<"initMaxSwing=1.0"<<endl;
00778     s<<"lRate=0.1"<<endl;
00779     s<<endl;
00780     s<<"[bool]"<<endl;
00781     s<<"calculateGlobalMean=1"<<endl;
00782     s<<"useOptSplitPoint=1"<<endl;
00783     s<<"enableClipping=0"<<endl;
00784     s<<"enableTuneSwing=0"<<endl;
00785     s<<endl;
00786     s<<"minimzeProbe="<< ( !blendStop ) <<endl;
00787     s<<"minimzeProbeClassificationError=0"<<endl;
00788     s<<"minimzeBlend="<<blendStop<<endl;
00789     s<<"minimzeBlendClassificationError=0"<<endl;
00790     s<<endl;
00791     s<<"[string]"<<endl;
00792     s<<"weightFile="<<"GBDT_"<<nameID<<"_weights.dat"<<endl;
00793     s<<"fullPrediction=GBDT_"<<nameID<<".dat"<<endl;
00795     return s.str();
00796 }

void GBDT::trainSingleTree ( node n,
deque< nodeReduced > &  largestNodes,
REAL *  input,
REAL *  inputTmp,
REAL *  inputTargetsSort,
REAL *  singleTarget,
bool *  usedFeatures,
int  nSamples,
int *  sortIndex,
int *  radixTmp0,
REAL *  radixTmp1 
) [private]

Train a single tree with determine split criteria etc.

n current node
largestNodes reference to the largest nodes deque
input input feature
inputTmp input feature array (tmp usage)
inputTargetsSort sorted targets (tmp usage)
singleTarget one target
usedFeatures feature mask, used for random feature subspace
nSamples number of samples
sortIndex randomized indices

Definition at line 347 of file GBDT.cpp.

00348 {
00349     // break criteria: tree size limit or too less training samples
00350     int nS = largestNodes.size();
00351     if ( nS >= m_maxTreeLeafes || n->m_nSamples <= 1 )
00352         return;
00354     // delete the current node (is currently the largest element in the heap)
00355     if ( largestNodes.size() > 0 )
00356     {
00357         //largestNodes.pop_front();
00358         pop_heap ( largestNodes.begin(),largestNodes.end(),compareNodeReduced );
00359         largestNodes.pop_back();
00360     }
00362     // the number of training samples in this node
00363     int nNodeSamples = n->m_nSamples;
00365     // this tmp array is used to fast drawing a random subset
00366     int *randFeatureIDs = new int[m_featureSubspaceSize];
00367     if ( m_featureSubspaceSize < m_nFeatures ) // select a random feature subset
00368     {
00369         for ( uint i=0;i<m_featureSubspaceSize;i++ )
00370         {
00371             uint idx = rand() % m_nFeatures;
00372             while ( usedFeatures[idx] )
00373                 idx = rand() % m_nFeatures;
00374             randFeatureIDs[i] = idx;
00375             usedFeatures[idx] = true;
00376         }
00377     }
00378     else  // take all features
00379         for ( uint i=0;i<m_featureSubspaceSize;i++ )
00380             randFeatureIDs[i] = i;
00382     // precalc sums and squared sums of targets
00383     double sumTarget = 0.0, sum2Target = 0.0;
00384     for ( uint j=0;j<nNodeSamples;j++ )
00385     {
00386         REAL v = singleTarget[n->m_trainSamples[j]];
00387         sumTarget += v;
00388         sum2Target += v*v;
00389     }
00391     int bestFeature = -1, bestFeaturePos = -1;
00392     double bestFeatureRMSE = 1e10;
00393     REAL bestFeatureLow = 1e10, bestFeatureHi = 1e10;
00394     REAL optFeatureSplitValue = 1e10;
00396     // search optimal split point in all tmp input features
00397     for ( int i=0;i<m_featureSubspaceSize;i++ )
00398     {
00399         // search the optimal split value, which reduce the RMSE the most
00400         REAL optimalSplitValue = 0.0;
00401         double rmseBest = 1e10;
00402         REAL meanLowBest = 1e10, meanHiBest = 1e10;
00403         int bestPos = -1;
00404         double sumLow = 0.0, sum2Low = 0.0, sumHi = sumTarget, sum2Hi = sum2Target, cntLow = 0.0, cntHi = nNodeSamples;
00405         REAL* ptrInput = inputTmp + i * nNodeSamples;
00406         REAL* ptrTarget = inputTargetsSort + i * nNodeSamples;
00408         // copy
00409         int nr = randFeatureIDs[i];
00410         for ( int j=0;j<nNodeSamples;j++ )
00411             ptrInput[j] = input[nr+n->m_trainSamples[j]*m_nFeatures];
00413         if ( m_useOptSplitPoint == false ) // random threshold value
00414         {
00415             for ( int j=0;j<nNodeSamples;j++ )
00416                 ptrTarget[j] = singleTarget[n->m_trainSamples[j]];
00418             REAL* ptrInput = inputTmp + i * nNodeSamples;
00419             bestPos = rand() % nNodeSamples;
00420             optimalSplitValue = ptrInput[bestPos];
00421             sumLow = 0.0;
00422             sum2Low = 0.0;
00423             cntLow = 0.0;
00424             sumHi = 0.0;
00425             sum2Hi = 0.0;
00426             cntHi = 0.0;
00427             for ( int j=0;j<nNodeSamples;j++ )
00428             {
00429                 REAL v = ptrInput[j];
00430                 REAL t = ptrTarget[j];
00431                 if ( ptrInput[j] <= optimalSplitValue )
00432                 {
00433                     sumLow += t;
00434                     sum2Low += t*t;
00435                     cntLow += 1.0;
00436                 }
00437                 else
00438                 {
00439                     sumHi += t;
00440                     sum2Hi += t*t;
00441                     cntHi += 1.0;
00442                 }
00443             }
00444             rmseBest = ( sum2Low/cntLow - ( sumLow/cntLow ) * ( sumLow/cntLow ) ) *cntLow;
00445             rmseBest += ( sum2Hi/cntHi - ( sumHi/cntHi ) * ( sumHi/cntHi ) ) *cntHi;
00446             rmseBest = sqrt ( rmseBest/ ( cntLow+cntHi ) );
00447             meanLowBest = sumLow/cntLow;
00448             meanHiBest = sumHi/cntHi;
00449         }
00450         else  // search for the optimal threshold value, goal: best RMSE reduction split
00451         {
00452             // fast sort of the input dimension
00453             for ( int j=0;j<nNodeSamples;j++ )
00454                 sortIndex[j] = j;
00456             //SORT_ASCEND_I ( ptrInput, sortIndex, nNodeSamples );
00457             //for ( int j=0;j<nNodeSamples;j++ )
00458             //    ptrTarget[j] = singleTarget[n->m_trainSamples[sortIndex[j]]];
00460             /*vector<pair<REAL,int> > list(nNodeSamples);
00461             for(int j=0;j<nNodeSamples;j++)
00462             {
00463                 list[j].first = ptrInput[j];
00464                 list[j].second = sortIndex[j];
00465             }
00466             sort(list.begin(),list.end());
00467             for(int j=0;j<nNodeSamples;j++)
00468             {
00469                 ptrInput[j] = list[j].first;
00470                 sortIndex[j] = list[j].second;
00471             }
00472             for ( int j=0;j<nNodeSamples;j++ )
00473                 ptrTarget[j] = singleTarget[n->m_trainSamples[sortIndex[j]]];
00474             */
00476             SORT_ASCEND_RADIX_I ( ptrInput, sizeof(REAL), sortIndex, radixTmp0, nNodeSamples);
00477             for(int j=0;j<nNodeSamples;j++)
00478                 radixTmp1[j] = ptrInput[j];
00479             for(int j=0;j<nNodeSamples;j++)
00480             {
00481                 int idx = sortIndex[j];
00482                 ptrInput[j] = radixTmp1[idx];
00483                 ptrTarget[j] = singleTarget[n->m_trainSamples[idx]];
00484             }
00486             int j = 0;
00487             while ( j < nNodeSamples-1 )
00488             {
00489                 REAL t = ptrTarget[j];
00490                 sumLow += t;
00491                 sum2Low += t*t;
00492                 sumHi -= t;
00493                 sum2Hi -= t*t;
00494                 cntLow += 1.0;
00495                 cntHi -= 1.0;
00497                 REAL v0 = ptrInput[j], v1 = 1e10;
00498                 if ( j < nNodeSamples -1 )
00499                     v1 = ptrInput[j+1];
00500                 if ( v0 == v1 ) // skip equal successors
00501                 {
00502                     j++;
00503                     continue;
00504                 }
00506                 double rmse = ( sum2Low/cntLow - ( sumLow/cntLow ) * ( sumLow/cntLow ) ) *cntLow;
00507                 rmse += ( sum2Hi/cntHi   - ( sumHi/cntHi ) * ( sumHi/cntHi ) ) *cntHi;
00508                 rmse = sqrt ( rmse/ ( cntLow+cntHi ) );
00510                 if ( rmse < rmseBest )
00511                 {
00512                     optimalSplitValue = v0;
00513                     rmseBest = rmse;
00514                     bestPos = j+1;
00515                     meanLowBest = sumLow/cntLow;
00516                     meanHiBest = sumHi/cntHi;
00517                 }
00519                 j++;
00520             }
00521         }
00523         if ( rmseBest < bestFeatureRMSE )
00524         {
00525             bestFeature = i;
00526             bestFeaturePos = bestPos;
00527             bestFeatureRMSE = rmseBest;
00528             optFeatureSplitValue = optimalSplitValue;
00529             bestFeatureLow = meanLowBest;
00530             bestFeatureHi = meanHiBest;
00531         }
00532     }
00534     // unmark the selected inputs
00535     for ( uint i=0;i<m_nFeatures;i++ )
00536         usedFeatures[i] = false;
00538     n->m_featureNr = randFeatureIDs[bestFeature];
00539     n->m_value = optFeatureSplitValue;
00541     delete[] randFeatureIDs;
00543     if ( n->m_featureNr < 0 || n->m_featureNr >= m_nFeatures )
00544     {
00545         cout<<"f="<<n->m_featureNr<<endl;
00546         assert ( false );
00547     }
00549     // count the samples of the low node
00550     int cnt = 0;
00551     for ( int i=0;i<nNodeSamples;i++ )
00552     {
00553         int nr = n->m_featureNr;
00554         if ( input[nr + n->m_trainSamples[i]*m_nFeatures] <= optFeatureSplitValue )
00555             cnt++;
00556     }
00558     int* lowList = new int[cnt];
00559     int* hiList = new int[nNodeSamples-cnt];
00560     if ( cnt == 0 )
00561         lowList = 0;
00562     if ( nNodeSamples-cnt == 0 )
00563         hiList = 0;
00565     int lowCnt = 0, hiCnt = 0;
00566     double lowMean = 0.0, hiMean = 0.0;
00567     for ( int i=0;i<nNodeSamples;i++ )
00568     {
00569         int nr = n->m_featureNr;
00570         if ( input[nr + n->m_trainSamples[i]*m_nFeatures] <= optFeatureSplitValue )
00571         {
00572             lowList[lowCnt] = n->m_trainSamples[i];
00573             lowMean += singleTarget[n->m_trainSamples[i]];
00574             lowCnt++;
00575         }
00576         else
00577         {
00578             hiList[hiCnt] = n->m_trainSamples[i];
00579             hiMean += singleTarget[n->m_trainSamples[i]];
00580             hiCnt++;
00581         }
00582     }
00583     lowMean /= lowCnt;
00584     hiMean /= hiCnt;
00586     if ( hiCnt+lowCnt != nNodeSamples || lowCnt != cnt )
00587         assert ( false );
00589     //cout<<"  #low:"<<lowCnt<<"  #hi:"<<hiCnt<<"  lowMean:"<<lowMean<<"  highMean:"<<hiMean<<endl;
00591     // break, if too less samples
00592     if ( lowCnt < 1 || hiCnt < 1 )
00593     {
00594         n->m_featureNr = -1;
00595         n->m_value = lowCnt < 1 ? hiMean : lowMean;
00596         n->m_toSmallerEqual = 0;
00597         n->m_toLarger = 0;
00598         if ( n->m_trainSamples )
00599             delete[] n->m_trainSamples;
00600         n->m_trainSamples = 0;
00601         n->m_nSamples = 0;
00603         nodeReduced currentNode;
00604         currentNode.m_node = n;
00605         currentNode.m_size = 0;
00606         largestNodes.push_back ( currentNode );
00607         push_heap ( largestNodes.begin(), largestNodes.end(), compareNodeReduced );
00609         return;
00610     }
00612     // prepare first new node
00613     n->m_toSmallerEqual = new node;
00614     n->m_toSmallerEqual->m_featureNr = -1;
00615     n->m_toSmallerEqual->m_value = lowMean;
00616     n->m_toSmallerEqual->m_toSmallerEqual = 0;
00617     n->m_toSmallerEqual->m_toLarger = 0;
00618     n->m_toSmallerEqual->m_trainSamples = lowList;
00619     n->m_toSmallerEqual->m_nSamples = lowCnt;
00621     // prepare second new node
00622     n->m_toLarger = new node;
00623     n->m_toLarger->m_featureNr = -1;
00624     n->m_toLarger->m_value = hiMean;
00625     n->m_toLarger->m_toSmallerEqual = 0;
00626     n->m_toLarger->m_toLarger = 0;
00627     n->m_toLarger->m_trainSamples = hiList;
00628     n->m_toLarger->m_nSamples = hiCnt;
00630     // add the new two nodes to the heap
00631     nodeReduced lowNode, hiNode;
00632     lowNode.m_node = n->m_toSmallerEqual;
00633     lowNode.m_size = lowCnt;
00634     hiNode.m_node = n->m_toLarger;
00635     hiNode.m_size = hiCnt;
00637     largestNodes.push_back ( lowNode );
00638     push_heap ( largestNodes.begin(), largestNodes.end(), compareNodeReduced );
00640     largestNodes.push_back ( hiNode );
00641     push_heap ( largestNodes.begin(), largestNodes.end(), compareNodeReduced );
00642 }

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:

Generated on Tue Jan 26 09:21:07 2010 for ELF by  doxygen 1.5.8