StandardAlgorithm Class Reference

#include <StandardAlgorithm.h>

Inheritance diagram for StandardAlgorithm:

Algorithm AutomaticParameterTuner AUC Framework Framework Data Framework Framework Framework GBDT KernelRidgeRegression KNearestNeighbor LinearModel LinearModelNonNeg LogisticRegression NeuralNetwork NeuralNetworkRBMauto PolynomialRegression

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 StandardAlgorithm ()
 ~StandardAlgorithm ()
virtual double calcRMSEonProbe ()
virtual double calcRMSEonBlend ()
void saveBestPrediction ()
virtual void setPredictionMode (int cross)
virtual double train ()
virtual void predictMultipleOutputs (REAL *rawInput, REAL *effect, REAL *output, int *label, int nSamples, int crossRun)
virtual void modelInit ()=0
virtual void modelUpdate (REAL *input, REAL *target, uint nSamples, uint crossRun)=0
virtual void predictAllOutputs (REAL *rawInputs, REAL *outputs, uint nSamples, uint crossRun)=0
virtual void readSpecificMaps ()=0
virtual void saveWeights (int cross)=0
virtual void loadWeights (int cross)=0
virtual void loadMetaWeights (int cross)=0

Protected Member Functions

void init ()
void readMaps ()
void calculateFullPrediction ()
void writeFullPrediction (int nSamples)

Protected Attributes

vector< int * > paramEpochValues
vector< string > paramEpochNames
vector< double * > paramDoubleValues
vector< string > paramDoubleNames
vector< int * > paramIntValues
vector< string > paramIntNames
double m_maxSwing
REAL * m_crossValidationPrediction
REAL * m_prediction
REAL * m_predictionBest
REAL ** m_predictionProbe
REAL * m_singlePrediction
int * m_labelPrediction
int * m_wrongLabelCnt
REAL * m_outOfBagEstimate
int * m_outOfBagEstimateCnt
int m_maxTuninigEpochs
int m_minTuninigEpochs
bool m_enableClipping
bool m_enableTuneSwing
bool m_minimzeProbe
bool m_minimzeProbeClassificationError
bool m_minimzeBlend
bool m_minimzeBlendClassificationError
double m_initMaxSwing
string m_weightFile
string m_fullPrediction

Detailed Description

Base class for a standard algorithm This is not a stand-alone class Other algorithms must be derived from this class (which unites the requirements of a StandardAlgorithms)

Definition at line 23 of file StandardAlgorithm.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

StandardAlgorithm::StandardAlgorithm (  ) 


Definition at line 8 of file StandardAlgorithm.cpp.

00009 {
00010     cout<<"StandardAlgorithm"<<endl;
00011     // init member vars
00012     m_blendStop = 0;
00013     m_maxSwing = 0;
00014     m_crossValidationPrediction = 0;
00015     m_prediction = 0;
00016     m_predictionBest = 0;
00017     m_predictionProbe = 0;
00018     m_singlePrediction = 0;
00019     m_labelPrediction = 0;
00020     m_wrongLabelCnt = 0;
00021     m_maxTuninigEpochs = 0;
00022     m_minTuninigEpochs = 0;
00023     m_enableClipping = 0;
00024     m_enableTuneSwing = 0;
00025     m_minimzeProbe = 0;
00026     m_minimzeProbeClassificationError = 0;
00027     m_minimzeBlend = 0;
00028     m_minimzeBlendClassificationError = 0;
00029     m_initMaxSwing = 0;
00030     m_outOfBagEstimate = 0;
00031     m_outOfBagEstimateCnt = 0;
00033 }

StandardAlgorithm::~StandardAlgorithm (  ) 


Definition at line 38 of file StandardAlgorithm.cpp.

00039 {
00040     cout<<"descructor StandardAlgorithm"<<endl;
00042     if ( m_blendStop )
00043         delete m_blendStop;
00044     m_blendStop = 0;
00046     if ( m_prediction )
00047         delete[] m_prediction;
00048     m_prediction = 0;
00049     if ( m_predictionBest )
00050         delete[] m_predictionBest;
00051     m_predictionBest = 0;
00052     for ( int i=0;i<m_maxThreadsInCross;i++ )
00053     {
00054         if ( m_predictionProbe )
00055         {
00056             if ( m_predictionProbe[i] )
00057                 delete[] m_predictionProbe[i];
00058             m_predictionProbe[i] = 0;
00059         }
00060     }
00061     if ( m_predictionProbe )
00062         delete[] m_predictionProbe;
00063     m_predictionProbe = 0;
00064     if ( m_labelPrediction )
00065         delete[] m_labelPrediction;
00066     m_labelPrediction = 0;
00067     if ( m_singlePrediction )
00068         delete[] m_singlePrediction;
00069     m_singlePrediction = 0;
00071     if ( m_crossValidationPrediction )
00072         delete[] m_crossValidationPrediction;
00073     m_crossValidationPrediction = 0;
00074     if ( m_wrongLabelCnt )
00075         delete[] m_wrongLabelCnt;
00076     m_wrongLabelCnt = 0;
00077     if(m_outOfBagEstimate)
00078         delete[] m_outOfBagEstimate;
00079     m_outOfBagEstimate = 0;
00080     if(m_outOfBagEstimateCnt)
00081         delete[] m_outOfBagEstimateCnt;
00082     m_outOfBagEstimateCnt = 0;
00083 }

Member Function Documentation

double StandardAlgorithm::calcRMSEonBlend (  )  [virtual]

Calculate the RMSE of the ensemble (with constant 1 prediction)

Implements Algorithm.

Definition at line 523 of file StandardAlgorithm.cpp.

00524 {
00525     double rmse = calcRMSEonProbe();
00526     cout<<" [probe:"<<rmse<<"] ";
00527     double rmseBlend = m_blendStop->calcBlending();
00528     if ( m_minimzeBlendClassificationError )
00529         return m_blendStop->getClassificationError();
00530     return rmseBlend;
00531 }

double StandardAlgorithm::calcRMSEonProbe (  )  [virtual]

Calculate the RMSE on all probe sets with cross validation

RMSE on cross validation probesets (=complete trainset)

Implements Algorithm.

Definition at line 233 of file StandardAlgorithm.cpp.

00234 {
00235     double rmse = 0.0, mae = 0.0;
00236     int nThreads = m_maxThreadsInCross;  // get #available threads
00237     for ( int d=0;d<m_nDomain;d++ )
00238         m_wrongLabelCnt[d] = 0;
00240     if(m_validationType == "ValidationSet")
00241     {
00242         // train the model on the train set
00243         modelUpdate ( m_trainOrig, m_trainTargetOrig, m_nTrain, 0 );
00245         // predict the validation set
00246         REAL* effect = new REAL[m_validSize * m_nClass * m_nDomain];
00247         for(uint i=0;i<m_validSize * m_nClass * m_nDomain;i++)
00248             effect[i] = 0.0;
00249         predictMultipleOutputs ( m_valid, effect, m_prediction, m_labelPrediction, m_validSize, 0 );
00250         delete[] effect;
00252         // calculate the error on the validation set
00253         for ( int i=0;i<m_validSize;i++)
00254         {
00255             // copy to blending vector and to internal prediction
00256             for ( int j=0;j<m_nClass*m_nDomain;j++ )
00257             {
00258                 REAL prediction = m_prediction[i*m_nClass*m_nDomain + j];
00259                 m_blendStop->m_newPrediction[j][i] = prediction;
00260                 m_prediction[i*m_nClass*m_nDomain + j] = prediction;
00262                 rmse += ( prediction - m_validTarget[i*m_nClass*m_nDomain + j] ) * ( prediction - m_validTarget[i*m_nClass*m_nDomain + j] );
00263                 mae += fabs ( prediction - m_validTarget[i*m_nClass*m_nDomain + j] );
00264             }
00266             // count wrong labeled examples
00267             if ( Framework::getDatasetType() )
00268             {
00269                 for ( int d=0;d<m_nDomain;d++ )
00270                     if ( m_labelPrediction[d+i*m_nDomain] != m_validLabel[d+i*m_nDomain] )
00271                         m_wrongLabelCnt[d]++;
00272             }
00273         }
00275         // print the classification error rate
00276         double classificationError = 1.0;
00277         if ( Framework::getDatasetType() )
00278         {
00279             int nWrong = 0;
00280             for ( int d=0;d<m_nDomain;d++ )
00281             {
00282                 nWrong += m_wrongLabelCnt[d];
00283                 //if(m_nDomain > 1)
00284                 //    cout<<"["<<(double)m_wrongLabelCnt[d]/(double)m_validSize<<"] ";
00285             }
00286             classificationError = ( double ) nWrong/ ( ( double ) m_validSize*m_nDomain );
00287             cout<<" [classErr:"<<100.0*classificationError<<"%] ";
00288         }
00289         if ( m_minimzeProbeClassificationError )
00290             return classificationError;
00292         rmse = sqrt ( rmse/ ( ( double ) m_validSize * ( double ) m_nClass * ( double ) m_nDomain ) );
00293         mae = mae/ ( ( double ) m_validSize * ( double ) m_nClass * ( double ) m_nDomain );
00295         if ( m_errorFunction=="MAE" )
00296             return mae;
00297         else if ( m_errorFunction=="AUC" && Framework::getDatasetType() )
00298         {
00299             cout<<"[rmse:"<<rmse<<"]"<<flush;
00301             // calc area under curve
00302             REAL* tmp = new REAL[m_validSize*m_nClass*m_nDomain];
00303             for ( int i=0;i<m_validSize;i++ )
00304                 for ( int j=0;j<m_nClass*m_nDomain;j++ )
00305                     tmp[i + j*m_validSize] = m_prediction[j + i*m_nClass*m_nDomain];
00306             REAL auc = getAUC ( tmp, m_validLabel, m_nClass, m_nDomain, m_validSize );
00307             delete[] tmp;
00308             return auc;
00309         }
00311         return rmse;
00312     }
00314     if(m_validationType == "Bagging")
00315     {
00316         for(int i=0;i<m_nTrain * m_nClass * m_nDomain;i++)
00317             m_outOfBagEstimate[i] = 0.0;
00318         for(int i=0;i<m_nTrain;i++)
00319             m_outOfBagEstimateCnt[i] = 0;
00320         for(int i=0;i<m_nTrain;i++)
00321             for(int j=0;j<m_nClass * m_nDomain;j++)
00322                 m_prediction[i*m_nClass*m_nDomain+j] = m_targetMean[j];  // some of the out-of-bag estimates are not predicted
00323     }
00325     for ( int i=0;i<m_nCross;i+=nThreads ) // all cross validation sets
00326     {
00327         // predict the probeset
00328         int* nSamples = new int[nThreads];
00329         int** labels = new int*[nThreads];
00330         for ( int j=0;j<nThreads;j++ )
00331         {
00332             nSamples[j] = m_probeSize[i+j];
00333             labels[j] = new int[nSamples[j]*m_nDomain];
00334         }
00336         if ( nThreads > 1 )
00337         {
00338             // parallel training of the cross-validation sets with OPENMP
00339 #pragma omp parallel for
00340             for ( int t=0;t<nThreads;t++ )
00341             {
00342                 cout<<"."<<flush;
00343                 if ( m_enableSaveMemory )
00344                     fillNCrossValidationSet ( i+t );
00345                 modelUpdate ( m_train[i+t], m_trainTargetResidual[i+t], m_trainSize[i+t], i+t );
00346                 predictMultipleOutputs ( m_probe[i+t], m_probeTargetEffect[i+t], m_predictionProbe[t], labels[t], nSamples[t], i+t );
00347                 if ( m_enableSaveMemory )
00348                     freeNCrossValidationSet ( i+t );
00349             }
00350         }
00351         else
00352         {
00353             cout<<"."<<flush;
00354             if ( m_enableSaveMemory )
00355                 fillNCrossValidationSet ( i );
00356             modelUpdate ( m_train[i], m_trainTargetResidual[i], m_trainSize[i], i );
00357             predictMultipleOutputs ( m_probe[i], m_probeTargetEffect[i], m_predictionProbe[0], labels[0], nSamples[0], i );
00358             if ( m_enableSaveMemory )
00359                 freeNCrossValidationSet ( i );
00360         }
00362         // merge the probe predictions
00363         if(m_validationType == "Bagging")
00364         {
00365             for ( int thread=0;thread<nThreads;thread++ )
00366             {
00367                 for ( int j=0;j<nSamples[thread];j++ )
00368                 {
00369                     int idx = m_probeIndex[i+thread][j];
00370                     for(int k=0;k<m_nClass * m_nDomain;k++)
00371                     {
00372                         REAL prediction = m_predictionProbe[thread][j*m_nClass*m_nDomain + k];
00373                         m_outOfBagEstimate[idx*m_nClass*m_nDomain + k] += prediction;
00374                     }
00375                     m_outOfBagEstimateCnt[idx]++;
00376                 }
00377             }
00378         }
00379         else
00380         {
00381             for ( int thread=0;thread<nThreads;thread++ )
00382             {
00383                 for ( int j=0;j<nSamples[thread];j++ ) // for all samples in this set
00384                 {
00385                     int idx = m_probeIndex[i+thread][j];
00387                     // copy to blending vector and to internal prediction
00388                     for ( int k=0;k<m_nClass*m_nDomain;k++ )
00389                     {
00390                         REAL prediction = m_predictionProbe[thread][j*m_nClass*m_nDomain + k];
00391                         m_blendStop->m_newPrediction[k][idx] = prediction;
00392                         m_prediction[idx*m_nClass*m_nDomain + k] = prediction;
00393                         rmse += ( prediction - m_probeTarget[i+thread][m_nClass*m_nDomain*j + k] ) * ( prediction - m_probeTarget[i+thread][m_nClass*m_nDomain*j + k] );
00394                         mae += fabs ( prediction - m_probeTarget[i+thread][m_nClass*m_nDomain*j + k] );
00395                     }
00397                     // count wrong labeled examples
00398                     if ( Framework::getDatasetType() )
00399                     {
00400                         for ( int d=0;d<m_nDomain;d++ )
00401                             if ( labels[thread][d+j*m_nDomain] != m_probeLabel[i+thread][d+j*m_nDomain] )
00402                                 m_wrongLabelCnt[d]++;
00403                     }
00404                 }
00405             }
00406         }
00408         // free memory
00409         for ( int j=0;j<nThreads;j++ )
00410         {
00411             if ( labels[j] )
00412                 delete[] labels[j];
00413             labels[j] = 0;
00414         }
00415         if ( nSamples )
00416             delete[] nSamples;
00417         nSamples = 0;
00418         if ( labels )
00419             delete[] labels;
00420         labels = 0;
00422     }
00424     if(m_validationType == "Bagging")
00425     {
00426         for(int i=0;i<m_nTrain;i++)
00427         {
00428             int c = m_outOfBagEstimateCnt[i];
00429             for(int j=0;j<m_nClass*m_nDomain;j++)
00430                 m_prediction[i*m_nClass*m_nDomain+j] = (c==0 ? m_targetMean[j] : (m_outOfBagEstimate[i*m_nClass*m_nDomain+j] / (REAL)c));
00432             for(int j=0;j<m_nClass*m_nDomain;j++)
00433             {
00434                 REAL prediction = m_prediction[i*m_nClass*m_nDomain+j];
00435                 m_blendStop->m_newPrediction[j][i] = prediction;
00436                 rmse += ( prediction - m_trainTargetOrig[m_nClass*m_nDomain*i + j] ) * ( prediction - m_trainTargetOrig[m_nClass*m_nDomain*i + j] );
00437                 mae += fabs ( prediction - m_trainTargetOrig[m_nClass*m_nDomain*i + j] );
00438             }
00440              // count wrong labeled examples
00441             if ( Framework::getDatasetType() )
00442             {
00443                 for(int j=0;j<m_nDomain;j++)
00444                 {
00445                     int indBest = -1;
00446                     REAL max = -1e10;
00447                     for(int k=0;k<m_nClass;k++)
00448                     {
00449                         if(max < m_prediction[i*m_nClass + j*m_nClass + k])
00450                         {
00451                             max = m_prediction[i*m_nClass + j*m_nClass + k];
00452                             indBest = k;
00453                         }
00454                     }
00455                     if(indBest != m_trainLabelOrig[i+j*m_nClass])
00456                         m_wrongLabelCnt[j]++;
00457                 }
00458             }
00459         }
00460     }
00462     // print the classification error rate
00463     double classificationError = 1.0;
00464     if ( Framework::getDatasetType() )
00465     {
00466         int nWrong = 0;
00467         for ( int d=0;d<m_nDomain;d++ )
00468         {
00469             nWrong += m_wrongLabelCnt[d];
00470             //if(m_nDomain > 1)
00471             //    cout<<"["<<(double)m_wrongLabelCnt[d]/(double)m_nTrain<<"] ";
00472         }
00473         classificationError = ( double ) nWrong/ ( ( double ) m_nTrain*m_nDomain );
00474         cout<<" [classErr:"<<100.0*classificationError<<"%] ";
00475     }
00476     if ( m_minimzeProbeClassificationError )
00477         return classificationError;
00479     rmse = sqrt ( rmse/ ( ( double ) m_nTrain * ( double ) m_nClass * ( double ) m_nDomain ) );
00480     mae = mae/ ( ( double ) m_nTrain * ( double ) m_nClass * ( double ) m_nDomain );
00482     if ( m_errorFunction=="MAE" )
00483         return mae;
00484     else if ( m_errorFunction=="AUC" && Framework::getDatasetType() )
00485     {
00486         cout<<"[rmse:"<<rmse<<"]"<<flush;
00488         // calc area under curve
00489         REAL* tmp = new REAL[m_nTrain*m_nClass*m_nDomain];
00490         for ( int i=0;i<m_nTrain;i++ )
00491             for ( int j=0;j<m_nClass*m_nDomain;j++ )
00492                 tmp[i + j*m_nTrain] = m_prediction[j + i*m_nClass*m_nDomain];
00493         REAL auc = getAUC ( tmp, m_trainLabelOrig, m_nClass, m_nDomain, m_nTrain );
00494         delete[] tmp;
00495         return auc;
00496     }
00498     return rmse;
00499 }

void StandardAlgorithm::calculateFullPrediction (  )  [protected]

Make the steps to calculate the full-prediction This means to write the k-fold cross validation for the training set Furthermore, here the model gets retrained with all available data and best meta-parameters

Definition at line 641 of file StandardAlgorithm.cpp.

00642 {
00643     double rmse = 0.0;
00644     cout<<endl<<"Calculate FullPrediction (write the prediction of the trainingset with cross validation)"<<endl<<endl;
00646     // re-calculate the blending weights (necessary for minimize only probe)
00647     if ( m_minimzeProbe )
00648     {
00649         double rmseBlend = m_blendStop->calcBlending();
00650         m_blendStop->saveTmpBestWeights();
00651         cout<<"rmseBlend:"<<rmseBlend<<endl;
00652     }
00654     // save linear blending weights
00655     m_blendStop->saveBlendingWeights ( m_datasetPath + "/" + m_tempPath, true );
00656     cout<<endl;
00658     memcpy ( m_prediction, m_predictionBest, sizeof ( REAL ) * (m_validationType == "ValidationSet"?m_validSize:m_nTrain) * m_nClass * m_nDomain );
00659     writeFullPrediction(m_validationType == "ValidationSet"?m_validSize:m_nTrain);
00661     m_inRetraining = true;
00663     if ( m_validationType == "Retraining" )
00664     {
00665         cout<<"Validation type: Retraining"<<endl;
00666         cout<<"Update model on whole training set"<<endl<<endl;
00667         time_t retrainTime = time ( 0 );
00669         // retrain the model with whole trainingset (disable cross validation)
00670         if ( m_enableSaveMemory )
00671             fillNCrossValidationSet ( m_nCross );
00673         // tmp variables, used for bagging
00674         REAL* trainOrig = 0;
00675         REAL* targetOrig = 0;
00676         REAL* targetEffectOrig = 0;
00677         REAL* targetResidualOrig = 0;
00678         int* labelOrig = 0;
00680         if ( m_enableBagging )
00681         {
00682             cout<<"Save orig data, create boostrap sample for retraining"<<endl;
00683             trainOrig = m_train[m_nCross];
00684             targetOrig = m_trainTarget[m_nCross];
00685             targetEffectOrig = m_trainTargetEffect[m_nCross];
00686             targetResidualOrig = m_trainTargetResidual[m_nCross];
00687             labelOrig = m_trainLabel[m_nCross];
00688             doBootstrapSampling ( 0, m_train[m_nCross], m_trainTarget[m_nCross], m_trainTargetEffect[m_nCross], m_trainTargetResidual[m_nCross], m_trainLabel[m_nCross] ); // bootstrap sample
00689             //doBootstrapSampling(0, m_train[m_nCross], m_trainTarget[m_nCross], m_trainTargetEffect[m_nCross], m_trainTargetResidual[m_nCross], m_trainLabel[m_nCross], m_nTrain * 0.8);
00690         }
00692         modelUpdate ( m_train[m_nCross], m_trainTargetResidual[m_nCross], m_nTrain, m_nCross );
00693         saveWeights ( m_nCross );
00695         // calc retrain rmse
00696         cout<<"Calculate retrain RMSE (on trainset)"<<endl;
00697         rmse = 0.0;
00698         memset ( m_prediction, 0, sizeof ( REAL ) *m_nTrain*m_nClass*m_nDomain );
00699         predictMultipleOutputs ( m_train[m_nCross], m_trainTargetEffect[m_nCross], m_prediction, m_labelPrediction, m_nTrain, m_nCross );
00700         for ( int i=0;i<m_nTrain*m_nClass*m_nDomain;i++ )
00701             rmse += ( m_prediction[i] - m_trainTarget[m_nCross][i] ) * ( m_prediction[i] - m_trainTarget[m_nCross][i] );
00702         rmse = sqrt ( rmse/ ( double ) ( m_nTrain * m_nClass * m_nDomain ) );
00703         cout<<"Train of this algorithm (RMSE after retraining): "<<rmse<<endl;
00705         if ( m_enableBagging )
00706         {
00707             cout<<"Restore orig data"<<endl;
00708             if ( m_train[m_nCross] )
00709                 delete[] m_train[m_nCross];
00710             if ( m_trainTarget[m_nCross] )
00711                 delete[] m_trainTarget[m_nCross];
00712             if ( m_trainTargetEffect[m_nCross] )
00713                 delete[] m_trainTargetEffect[m_nCross];
00714             if ( m_trainTargetResidual[m_nCross] )
00715                 delete[] m_trainTargetResidual[m_nCross];
00716             if ( m_trainLabel[m_nCross] )
00717                 delete[] m_trainLabel[m_nCross];
00718             m_train[m_nCross] = trainOrig;
00719             m_trainTarget[m_nCross] = targetOrig;
00720             m_trainTargetEffect[m_nCross] = targetEffectOrig;
00721             m_trainTargetResidual[m_nCross] = targetResidualOrig;
00722             m_trainLabel[m_nCross] = labelOrig;
00723         }
00725         if ( m_enableSaveMemory )
00726             freeNCrossValidationSet ( m_nCross );
00728         cout<<"Total retrain time:"<<time ( 0 )-retrainTime<<"[s]"<<endl;
00729     }
00730     /*else if(m_validationType == "CrossFoldMean" || m_validationType == "Bagging")
00731     {
00732         cout<<"Validation type: "<<m_validationType<<endl;
00733         for(int i=0;i<m_nCross;i++)
00734             saveWeights(i);
00735     }
00736     else
00737         assert(false);
00738     */
00740     // print summary
00741     cout<<endl<<"==========================================================================="<<endl;
00742     BlendStopping bb ( this, m_fullPrediction );
00743     bb.setRegularization ( m_blendingRegularization );
00744     if ( m_datasetName=="NETFLIX" && Framework::getAdditionalStartupParameter() >= 0 )
00745     {
00746         cout<<"Dataset:NETFLIX, slot:"<<Framework::getAdditionalStartupParameter() <<" ";
00747         char buf[512];
00748         sprintf ( buf,"p%d",Framework::getAdditionalStartupParameter() );
00749         string pName = string ( NETFLIX_SLOTDATA_ROOT_DIR ) + buf + "/";
00750         cout<<"pName:"<<pName<<endl;
00751         rmse = bb.calcBlending ( ( char* ) pName.c_str() );
00752     }
00753     else
00754         rmse = bb.calcBlending ( ( char* ) ( m_datasetPath + "/" + m_tempPath + "/" ).c_str() );
00755     bb.saveBlendingWeights ( m_datasetPath + "/" + m_tempPath );
00756     cout<<endl<<"BLEND RMSE OF ACTUAL FULLPREDICTION PATH:"<<rmse<<endl;
00757     cout<<"==========================================================================="<<endl<<endl;
00759 }

void StandardAlgorithm::init (  )  [protected]

Read the values from the dsc file

Definition at line 184 of file StandardAlgorithm.cpp.

00185 {
00186     cout<<"Init standard algorithm"<<endl;
00188     // read standard and specific values
00189     readMaps();
00190     readSpecificMaps();
00192     if ( m_blendStop == 0 )
00193     {
00194         // init blendStop data
00195         m_blendStop = new BlendStopping ( this, "tune" );
00196         m_blendStop->setRegularization ( m_blendingRegularization );
00198         m_wrongLabelCnt = new int[m_nDomain];
00199         m_singlePrediction = new REAL[m_nClass * m_nDomain];
00201         if(m_validationType == "ValidationSet")
00202         {
00203             m_prediction = new REAL[m_validSize * m_nClass * m_nDomain];
00204             m_predictionBest = new REAL[m_validSize * m_nClass * m_nDomain];
00205             m_labelPrediction = new int[m_validSize * m_nDomain];
00206             return;
00207         }
00209         // prediction on trainset for all classes
00210         m_prediction = new REAL[m_nTrain * m_nClass * m_nDomain];
00211         m_predictionBest = new REAL[m_nTrain * m_nClass * m_nDomain];
00212         m_predictionProbe = new REAL*[m_maxThreadsInCross];
00213         for ( int i=0;i<m_maxThreadsInCross;i++ )
00214             m_predictionProbe[i] = new REAL[m_nTrain * m_nClass * m_nDomain];
00215         m_labelPrediction = new int[m_nTrain * m_nDomain];
00217         // cross validation training
00218         m_crossValidationPrediction = new REAL[m_nTrain*m_nClass*m_nDomain];
00220         if(m_validationType == "Bagging")
00221         {
00222             m_outOfBagEstimate = new REAL[m_nTrain * m_nClass * m_nDomain];
00223             m_outOfBagEstimateCnt = new int[m_nTrain];
00224         }
00225     }
00226 }

void StandardAlgorithm::predictMultipleOutputs ( REAL *  rawInput,
REAL *  effect,
REAL *  output,
int *  labels,
int  nSamples,
int  crossRun 
) [virtual]

Predict multiple samples, based on a effect (output from an other Algorithm)

rawInput Raw input vectors (features)
effect Result from a preprocessor (other Algorithm output)
output Outputs are stored here
labels Predicted labels are stored here
nSamples Number of samples to predict

Implements Algorithm.

Definition at line 554 of file StandardAlgorithm.cpp.

00555 {
00556     // model prediction
00557     predictAllOutputs ( rawInput, output, nSamples, crossRun );
00559     if ( m_enableTuneSwing ) // clip the output (clip swing)
00560     {
00561         IPPS_THRESHOLD ( output, output, nSamples*m_nClass*m_nDomain, -m_maxSwing, ippCmpLess );  // clip negative
00562         IPPS_THRESHOLD ( output, output, nSamples*m_nClass*m_nDomain, +m_maxSwing, ippCmpGreater );  // clip positive
00563     }
00565     // add the output from the preprocessor (=effect)
00566     V_ADD ( nSamples*m_nClass*m_nDomain, output, effect, output );
00568     // calc output labels (for classification dataset)
00569     if ( Framework::getDatasetType() )
00570     {
00571         // in all domains
00572         for ( int d=0;d<m_nDomain;d++ )
00573         {
00574             // calc output labels
00575             for ( int i=0;i<nSamples;i++ )
00576             {
00577                 // find max. output value
00578                 int indMax = -1;
00579                 REAL max = -1e10;
00580                 for ( int j=0;j<m_nClass;j++ )
00581                 {
00582                     if ( max < output[d*m_nClass + i*m_nDomain*m_nClass + j] )
00583                     {
00584                         max = output[d*m_nClass + i*m_nDomain*m_nClass + j];
00585                         indMax = j;
00586                     }
00587                 }
00588                 labels[d+i*m_nDomain] = indMax;
00589             }
00590         }
00591     }
00593     // clip final outputs
00594     if ( m_enableClipping )
00595     {
00596         IPPS_THRESHOLD ( output, output, nSamples*m_nClass*m_nDomain, m_negativeTarget, ippCmpLess );  // clip negative
00597         IPPS_THRESHOLD ( output, output, nSamples*m_nClass*m_nDomain, m_positiveTarget, ippCmpGreater );  // clip positive
00598     }
00600     // add small noise
00601     if ( m_addOutputNoise > 0.0 )
00602         for ( int i=0;i<nSamples*m_nClass*m_nDomain;i++ )
00603             output[i] += NumericalTools::getNormRandomNumber ( 0.0, m_addOutputNoise );
00605 }

void StandardAlgorithm::readMaps (  )  [protected]

Read the standard values from the description file

Definition at line 165 of file StandardAlgorithm.cpp.

00166 {
00167     cout<<"Read dsc maps (standard values)"<<endl;
00168     m_minTuninigEpochs = m_intMap["minTuninigEpochs"];
00169     m_maxTuninigEpochs = m_intMap["maxTuninigEpochs"];
00170     m_initMaxSwing = m_doubleMap["initMaxSwing"];
00171     m_enableClipping = m_boolMap["enableClipping"];
00172     m_enableTuneSwing = m_boolMap["enableTuneSwing"];
00173     m_minimzeProbe = m_boolMap["minimzeProbe"];
00174     m_minimzeProbeClassificationError = m_boolMap["minimzeProbeClassificationError"];
00175     m_minimzeBlend = m_boolMap["minimzeBlend"];
00176     m_minimzeBlendClassificationError = m_boolMap["minimzeBlendClassificationError"];
00177     m_weightFile = m_stringMap["weightFile"];
00178     m_fullPrediction = m_stringMap["fullPrediction"];
00179 }

void StandardAlgorithm::saveBestPrediction (  )  [virtual]

Save the best training prediction

Implements AutomaticParameterTuner.

Definition at line 505 of file StandardAlgorithm.cpp.

00506 {
00507     cout<<"[saveBest]";
00508     memcpy ( m_predictionBest, m_prediction, sizeof ( REAL ) * (m_validationType == "ValidationSet" ? m_validSize : m_nTrain) * m_nClass * m_nDomain );
00509     m_blendStop->saveTmpBestWeights();
00510     if(m_validationType == "ValidationSet")
00511         saveWeights(0);
00512     else
00513     {
00514         if ( m_validationType == "CrossFoldMean" || m_validationType == "Bagging" )
00515             for ( int i=0;i<m_nCross;i++ )
00516                 saveWeights ( i );
00517     }
00518 }

void StandardAlgorithm::setPredictionMode ( int  cross  )  [virtual]

Set the prediction mode, make the model ready to predict unknown test samples

Implements Algorithm.

Definition at line 537 of file StandardAlgorithm.cpp.

00538 {
00539     cout<<"Set algorithm in prediction mode"<<endl;
00540     readMaps();
00541     readSpecificMaps();
00542     loadWeights ( cross );
00543 }

double StandardAlgorithm::train (  )  [virtual]

Standard training

The lowest cross-fold validation error

Implements Algorithm.

Definition at line 90 of file StandardAlgorithm.cpp.

00091 {
00092     cout<<"Start train StandardAlgorithm"<<endl;
00094     init();
00096     modelInit();
00098     double rmse = m_blendStop->calcBlending();
00099     cout<<endl<<"ERR Blend:"<<rmse<<endl;
00101     cout<<endl<<"============================ START TRAIN (param tuning) ============================="<<endl<<endl;
00102     cout<<"Parameters to tune:"<<endl;
00104     // automatically tune parameters
00105     m_maxSwing = m_initMaxSwing;
00106     for ( int i=0;i<paramEpochValues.size();i++ )
00107     {
00108         addEpochParameter ( paramEpochValues[i], paramEpochNames[i] );
00109         cout<<"[EPOCH] name:"<<paramEpochNames[i]<<"   initValue:"<<*paramEpochValues[i]<<endl;
00110     }
00111     for ( int i=0;i<paramDoubleValues.size();i++ )
00112     {
00113         addDoubleParameter ( paramDoubleValues[i], paramDoubleNames[i] );
00114         cout<<"[REAL] name:"<<paramDoubleNames[i]<<"   initValue:"<<*paramDoubleValues[i]<<endl;
00115     }
00116     for ( int i=0;i<paramIntValues.size();i++ )
00117     {
00118         addIntegerParameter ( paramIntValues[i], paramIntNames[i] );
00119         cout<<"[INT]  name:"<<paramIntNames[i]<<"   initValue:"<<*paramIntValues[i]<<endl;
00120     }
00121     if ( m_enableTuneSwing )
00122     {
00123         addDoubleParameter ( &m_maxSwing, "swing" );
00124         cout<<"[REAL] name:"<<"swing"<<"   initValue:"<<m_maxSwing<<endl;
00125     }
00127     // when in multiple optimization loop
00128     if ( m_loadWeightsBeforeTraining )
00129         loadMetaWeights ( m_nCross );
00131     // start the structured searcher
00132     cout<<"(min|max. epochs: "<<m_minTuninigEpochs<<"|"<<m_maxTuninigEpochs<<")"<<endl;
00133     expSearcher ( m_minTuninigEpochs, m_maxTuninigEpochs, 3, 1, 0.8, m_minimzeProbe, m_minimzeBlend );
00135     // remove the parameters from the searchers
00136     for ( int i=0;i<paramEpochValues.size();i++ )
00137         removeEpochParameter ( paramEpochNames[i] );
00138     for ( int i=0;i<paramDoubleValues.size();i++ )
00139         removeDoubleParameter ( paramDoubleNames[i] );
00140     for ( int i=0;i<paramIntValues.size();i++ )
00141         removeIntegerParameter ( paramIntNames[i] );
00142     if ( m_enableTuneSwing )
00143         removeDoubleParameter ( "swing" );
00145     paramEpochValues.clear();
00146     paramEpochNames.clear();
00147     paramDoubleValues.clear();
00148     paramDoubleNames.clear();
00149     paramIntValues.clear();
00150     paramIntNames.clear();
00153     cout<<endl<<"============================ END auto-optimize ============================="<<endl<<endl;
00155     // calculate all train targets with cross validation
00156     calculateFullPrediction();
00158     return expSearchGetLowestError();
00159 }

void StandardAlgorithm::writeFullPrediction ( int  nSamples  )  [protected]

Write the training prediction (with n-fold cross validation)

Definition at line 611 of file StandardAlgorithm.cpp.

00612 {
00613     // calc train RMSE
00614     double rmse = 0.0, err;
00615     for ( int i=0;i<nSamples;i++ )
00616     {
00617         for ( int j=0;j<m_nClass*m_nDomain;j++ )
00618         {
00619             err = m_prediction[j+i*m_nClass*m_nDomain] - m_trainTargetOrig[j+i*m_nClass*m_nDomain];
00620             rmse += err*err;
00621         }
00622     }
00624     // write file
00625     string name = m_datasetPath + "/" + m_fullPredPath + "/" + m_fullPrediction;
00626     cout<<"Write full prediction: "<<name<<" (RMSE:"<<sqrt ( rmse/ ( double ) ( nSamples*m_nClass*m_nDomain ) ) <<")";
00627     fstream f;
00628 ( name.c_str(),ios::out );
00629     f.write ( ( char* ) m_prediction, sizeof ( REAL ) *nSamples*m_nClass*m_nDomain );
00630     f.close();
00631     cout<<endl;
00632 }

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Generated on Tue Jan 26 09:21:17 2010 for ELF by  doxygen 1.5.8