AUC Class Reference

#include <AUC.h>

Inheritance diagram for AUC:

Framework BlendStopping StandardAlgorithm GBDT KernelRidgeRegression KNearestNeighbor LinearModel LinearModelNonNeg LogisticRegression NeuralNetwork NeuralNetworkRBMauto PolynomialRegression

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 AUC ()
 ~AUC ()
REAL getAUC (REAL *prediction, int *labels, int nClass, int nDomain, int nLines)

Detailed Description

AUC - Area under curve calculator

Works for binary classification Input: score and labels[0,1]

Definition at line 26 of file AUC.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

AUC::AUC (  ) 


Definition at line 8 of file AUC.cpp.

00009 {
00010     //cout<<"Constructor AUC"<<endl;
00011 }

AUC::~AUC (  ) 


Definition at line 16 of file AUC.cpp.

00017 {
00018     //cout<<"Destructor AUC"<<endl;
00019 }

Member Function Documentation

REAL AUC::getAUC ( REAL *  prediction,
int *  labels,
int  nClass,
int  nDomain,
int  nLines 

Direct port of a MATLAB script to C++ (provided by Isabelle Guyon from KDDCup2009)

prediction real valued predictions (real* pointer)
labels correct class labels (targets) (int* pointer)
nClass number of classes
nDomain number of domains
nLines number of samples
AUC value (0..1)

Definition at line 31 of file AUC.cpp.

00032 {
00033     if ( nClass != 2 )
00034         assert ( false );
00036     double avgArea = 0.0;
00038     for ( int d=0;d<nDomain;d++ )
00039     {
00040         // translate it to a score
00041         double* score = new double[nLines];
00042         int* index = new int[nLines];
00043         int neg = 0, pos = 0;
00044         for ( int i=0;i<nLines;i++ )
00045         {
00046             index[i] = i;
00047             //score[i] = prediction[d*2 + i*nDomain*2 + 1] - prediction[d*2 + i*nDomain*2 + 0];
00048             score[i] = prediction[i+d*2*nLines + nLines] - prediction[i+d*2*nLines];
00049             score[i] = -score[i];
00050             if ( labels[i*nDomain+d] == 1 )
00051                 pos++;
00052             if ( labels[i*nDomain+d] == 0 )
00053                 neg++;
00054         }
00056         // get pos and neg target index
00057         int* negIndex = new int[neg];
00058         int* posIndex = new int[pos];
00059         neg = 0;
00060         pos = 0;
00061         for ( int i=0;i<nLines;i++ )
00062         {
00063             if ( labels[i*nDomain+d] == 1 )
00064             {
00065                 posIndex[pos] = i;
00066                 pos++;
00067             }
00068             if ( labels[i*nDomain+d] == 0 )
00069             {
00070                 negIndex[neg] = i;
00071                 neg++;
00072             }
00073         }
00075         // sort scores
00076         ippsSortIndexAscend_64f_I ( score, index, nLines );
00077         //quickSort(score, index, 0, nLines-1);
00079         // translated from a MATLAB script...
00080         double oldval = score[0];
00081         double newval = score[0];
00082         double* R = new double[nLines+1];
00083         for ( int i=1;i<=nLines;i++ )
00084             R[i] = i;
00085         int k0 = 1;
00086         for ( int k=2;k<=nLines;k++ ) // for k=2:n
00087         {
00088             newval = score[k-1];  // newval=u(k);
00089             if ( newval == oldval ) //if newval==oldval
00090             {
00091                 double v = R[k-1]* ( double ) ( k-k0 ) / ( double ) ( k-k0+1.0 ) +R[k]/ ( double ) ( k-k0+1.0 );
00093                 for ( int j=k0;j<=k;j++ )
00094                 {
00095                     R[j] = v;
00096                 }
00097             }
00098             else
00099                 k0 = k;
00100             oldval = newval;
00101         }
00102         double* S = new double[nLines];
00103         for ( int i=0;i<nLines;i++ )
00104             S[index[i]]=R[i+1];
00107         //SS=sort(S(negidx));
00108         double* SS = new double[neg];
00109         for ( int i=0;i<neg;i++ )
00110             SS[i] = S[negIndex[i]];
00111         //quickSort(SS,index,0,neg-1);
00112         ippsSortIndexAscend_64f_I ( SS, index, neg );
00114         //RR=[1:neg];
00115         double* RR = new double[neg+1];
00116         for ( int i=1;i<=neg;i++ )
00117             RR[i] = i;
00119         // SEN=(SS-RR)/pos;
00120         //area(kk)=sum(SEN)/neg;
00121         double area = 0.0;
00122         for ( int i=1;i<=neg;i++ )
00123             area += ( SS[i-1]-RR[i] ) /pos;
00124         area /= neg;
00126         if ( area <= 0.0 )
00127             assert ( false );
00128         if ( area >= 1.0 )
00129             assert ( false );
00130         if ( area < 0.5 )
00131             area = 1.0 - area;
00133         avgArea += area;
00135         if ( score )
00136             delete[] score;
00137         score = 0;
00138         if ( index )
00139             delete[] index;
00140         index = 0;
00141         if ( negIndex )
00142             delete[] negIndex;
00143         negIndex = 0;
00144         if ( posIndex )
00145             delete[] posIndex;
00146         posIndex = 0;
00147         if ( R )
00148             delete[] R;
00149         R = 0;
00150         if ( S )
00151             delete[] S;
00152         S = 0;
00153         if ( SS )
00154             delete[] SS;
00155         SS = 0;
00156         if ( RR )
00157             delete[] RR;
00158         RR = 0;
00159     }
00161     avgArea /= ( double ) nDomain;
00163     return -avgArea;  // we want to maximize the area
00164 }

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