KernelRidgeRegression Class Reference

#include <KernelRidgeRegression.h>

Inheritance diagram for KernelRidgeRegression:

StandardAlgorithm Framework Algorithm AutomaticParameterTuner AUC Framework Framework Data Framework Framework Framework

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 KernelRidgeRegression ()
 ~KernelRidgeRegression ()
virtual void modelInit ()
virtual void modelUpdate (REAL *input, REAL *target, uint nSamples, uint crossRun)
virtual void predictAllOutputs (REAL *rawInputs, REAL *outputs, uint nSamples, uint crossRun)
virtual void readSpecificMaps ()
virtual void saveWeights (int cross)
virtual void loadWeights (int cross)
virtual void loadMetaWeights (int cross)

Static Public Member Functions

static string templateGenerator (int id, string preEffect, int nameID, bool blendStop)

Private Attributes

REAL ** m_x
REAL * m_trainMatrix
double m_reg
double m_polyScale
double m_polyBiasPos
double m_polyBiasNeg
double m_polyPower
double m_gaussSigma
double m_tanhScale
double m_tanhBiasPos
double m_tanhBiasNeg
string m_kernelType

Detailed Description

Kernel ridge regression Regression in a high-dimensional feature space, defined by the kernel

Tunable parameters are the regularization constant and some kernel constants

Supported kernels:

Definition at line 19 of file KernelRidgeRegression.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

KernelRidgeRegression::KernelRidgeRegression (  ) 


Definition at line 8 of file KernelRidgeRegression.cpp.

00009 {
00010     cout<<"KernelRidgeRegression"<<endl;
00011     // init member vars
00012     m_x = 0;
00013     m_reg = 0;
00014     m_trainMatrix = 0;
00015 }

KernelRidgeRegression::~KernelRidgeRegression (  ) 


Definition at line 20 of file KernelRidgeRegression.cpp.

00021 {
00022     cout<<"descructor KernelRidgeRegression"<<endl;
00023     for ( uint i=0;i<m_nCross+1;i++ )
00024     {
00025         if ( m_x )
00026         {
00027             if ( m_x[i] )
00028                 delete[] m_x[i];
00029             m_x[i] = 0;
00030         }
00031     }
00032     if ( m_x )
00033         delete[] m_x;
00034     m_x = 0;
00036     if ( m_trainMatrix )
00037         delete[] m_trainMatrix;
00038     m_trainMatrix = 0;
00039 }

Member Function Documentation

void KernelRidgeRegression::loadWeights ( int  cross  )  [virtual]

Load the weights and all other parameters and make the model ready to predict

Implements StandardAlgorithm.

Definition at line 446 of file KernelRidgeRegression.cpp.

00447 {
00448     char buf[1024];
00449     sprintf ( buf,"%02d",cross );
00450     string name = m_datasetPath + "/" + m_tempPath + "/" + m_weightFile + "." + buf;
00451     cout<<"Load:"<<name<<endl;
00452     fstream f ( name.c_str(), ios::in );
00453     if ( f.is_open() == false )
00454         assert ( false );
00455 ( ( char* ) &m_nTrain, sizeof ( int ) );
00456 ( ( char* ) &m_nFeatures, sizeof ( int ) );
00457 ( ( char* ) &m_nClass, sizeof ( int ) );
00458 ( ( char* ) &m_nDomain, sizeof ( int ) );
00460     m_x = new REAL*[m_nCross+1];
00461     for ( int i=0;i<m_nCross+1;i++ )
00462         m_x[i] = 0;
00463     m_x[cross] = new REAL[m_nTrain * m_nClass * m_nDomain];
00465     m_trainMatrix = new REAL[m_nTrain*m_nFeatures];
00467 ( ( char* ) m_x[cross], sizeof ( REAL ) *m_nTrain*m_nClass*m_nDomain );
00468 ( ( char* ) m_trainMatrix, sizeof ( REAL ) *m_nTrain*m_nFeatures );
00469 ( ( char* ) &m_maxSwing, sizeof ( double ) );
00470 ( ( char* ) &m_reg, sizeof ( double ) );
00471 ( ( char* ) &m_polyScale, sizeof ( double ) );
00472 ( ( char* ) &m_polyBiasPos, sizeof ( double ) );
00473 ( ( char* ) &m_polyBiasNeg, sizeof ( double ) );
00474 ( ( char* ) &m_polyPower, sizeof ( double ) );
00475 ( ( char* ) &m_gaussSigma, sizeof ( double ) );
00476 ( ( char* ) &m_tanhScale, sizeof ( double ) );
00477 ( ( char* ) &m_tanhBiasPos, sizeof ( double ) );
00478 ( ( char* ) &m_tanhBiasNeg, sizeof ( double ) );
00479     f.close();
00480 }

void KernelRidgeRegression::modelInit (  )  [virtual]

Init the Linear Model

Implements StandardAlgorithm.

Definition at line 66 of file KernelRidgeRegression.cpp.

00067 {
00068     // add the tunable parameter
00069     paramDoubleValues.push_back ( &m_reg );
00070     paramDoubleNames.push_back ( "reg" );
00072     if ( m_kernelType == "Poly" )
00073     {
00074         paramDoubleValues.push_back ( &m_polyScale );
00075         paramDoubleNames.push_back ( "polyScale" );
00076         if ( m_polyBiasPos != 0.0 )
00077         {
00078             paramDoubleValues.push_back ( &m_polyBiasPos );
00079             paramDoubleNames.push_back ( "polyBiasPos" );
00080         }
00081         if ( m_polyBiasNeg != 0.0 )
00082         {
00083             paramDoubleValues.push_back ( &m_polyBiasNeg );
00084             paramDoubleNames.push_back ( "polyBiasNeg" );
00085         }
00086         paramDoubleValues.push_back ( &m_polyPower );
00087         paramDoubleNames.push_back ( "polyPower" );
00088     }
00090     if ( m_kernelType == "Gauss" )
00091     {
00092         paramDoubleValues.push_back ( &m_gaussSigma );
00093         paramDoubleNames.push_back ( "gaussSigma" );
00094     }
00096     if ( m_kernelType == "Tanh" )
00097     {
00098         paramDoubleValues.push_back ( &m_tanhScale );
00099         paramDoubleNames.push_back ( "tanhScale" );
00100         if ( m_tanhBiasPos != 0.0 )
00101         {
00102             paramDoubleValues.push_back ( &m_tanhBiasPos );
00103             paramDoubleNames.push_back ( "tanhBiasPos" );
00104         }
00105         if ( m_tanhBiasNeg != 0.0 )
00106         {
00107             paramDoubleValues.push_back ( &m_tanhBiasNeg );
00108             paramDoubleNames.push_back ( "tanhBiasNeg" );
00109         }
00110     }
00112     // alloc mem for weights
00113     if ( m_x == 0 )
00114     {
00115         m_x = new REAL*[m_nCross+1];
00116         for ( uint i=0;i<m_nCross+1;i++ )
00117             m_x[i] = new REAL[m_nTrain * m_nClass * m_nDomain];
00118     }
00119 }

void KernelRidgeRegression::modelUpdate ( REAL *  input,
REAL *  target,
uint  nSamples,
uint  crossRun 
) [virtual]

Make a model update, set the new cross validation set or set the whole training set for retraining

input Pointer to input (can be cross validation set, or whole training set) (rows x nFeatures)
target The targets (can be cross validation targets)
nSamples The sample size (rows) in input
crossRun The cross validation run (for training)

Implements StandardAlgorithm.

Definition at line 269 of file KernelRidgeRegression.cpp.

00270 {
00271     // gram matrix
00272     REAL* K = new REAL[nSamples*nSamples];
00273     REAL* y = new REAL[nSamples*m_nClass*m_nDomain];
00275     int lda = nSamples, nrhs = m_nClass*m_nDomain, ldb = nSamples, info = -1, maxStabilizeEpochs = 3, stabilizeEpoch = 0;
00277     // do Cholesky factorization until it becomes stable
00278     while ( info != 0 && stabilizeEpoch < maxStabilizeEpochs )
00279     {
00280         if ( m_kernelType == "Linear" )
00281         {
00282             CBLAS_GEMM ( CblasRowMajor, CblasNoTrans, CblasTrans, nSamples, nSamples, m_nFeatures, 1.0, input, m_nFeatures, input, m_nFeatures, 0.0, K, nSamples );
00283         }
00284         else if ( m_kernelType == "Poly" )
00285         {
00286             CBLAS_GEMM ( CblasRowMajor, CblasNoTrans, CblasTrans, nSamples, nSamples, m_nFeatures, 1.0, input, m_nFeatures, input, m_nFeatures, 0.0, K, nSamples );
00288             V_MULCI ( m_polyScale, K, nSamples*nSamples );
00289             V_ADDCI ( m_polyBiasPos - m_polyBiasNeg, K, nSamples*nSamples );
00291             // slower, but memory efficient
00292             for ( uint i=0;i<nSamples*nSamples;i++ )
00293             {
00294                 if ( K[i]>=0.0 )
00295                     K[i] = pow ( K[i], m_polyPower );
00296                 else
00297                     K[i] = -pow ( -K[i], m_polyPower );
00298             }
00299         }
00300         else if ( m_kernelType == "Gauss" )
00301         {
00302             // this code is slower, but correct
00303             /*for(uint i=0;i<nSamples;i++)
00304             {
00305                 REAL *ptr0 = input + i*m_nFeatures;
00306                 for(uint j=0;j<nSamples;j++)
00307                 {
00308                     REAL *ptr1 = input + j*m_nFeatures;
00310                     double sum = 0.0;
00311                     for(uint k=0;k<m_nFeatures;k++)
00312                         sum += (ptr0[k] - ptr1[k]) * (ptr0[k] - ptr1[k]);
00314                     K[i*nSamples+j] = exp(-sum/(m_gaussSigma*m_gaussSigma));
00315                 }
00316             }*/
00317             // speedup calculation by using BLAS in x'y: ||x-y||^2 = sum(x.^2) - 2 * x'y + sum(y.^2)
00318             REAL* squaredSum = new REAL[nSamples];
00319             for ( uint i=0;i<nSamples;i++ )
00320             {
00321                 double sum = 0.0;
00322                 REAL *ptr = input + i*m_nFeatures;
00323                 for ( uint k=0;k<m_nFeatures;k++ )
00324                     sum += ptr[k]*ptr[k];
00325                 squaredSum[i] = sum;
00326             }
00328             CBLAS_GEMM ( CblasRowMajor, CblasNoTrans, CblasTrans, nSamples, nSamples, m_nFeatures, 1.0, input, m_nFeatures, input, m_nFeatures, 0.0, K, nSamples );
00330             for ( uint i=0;i<nSamples;i++ )
00331             {
00332                 REAL *ptr = K + i*nSamples, sqSum = squaredSum[i];
00333                 for ( uint j=0;j<nSamples;j++ )
00334                     ptr[j] = sqSum + squaredSum[j] - 2.0 * ptr[j];  // sum = sum_k (ptr0[k] - ptr1[k]) * (ptr0[k] - ptr1[k])
00335             }
00337             REAL c0 = - 1.0 / ( m_gaussSigma * m_gaussSigma );
00338             for ( uint i=0;i<nSamples*nSamples;i++ )
00339                 K[i] *= c0;
00341             // block-wise apply of the exp-function
00342             uint blockSize = 10000000;
00343             assert ( nSamples*nSamples < 4200000000 );
00344             for ( uint i=0;i<nSamples*nSamples && i<4200000000;i+=blockSize )
00345             {
00346                 int nElem = nSamples*nSamples - i;
00347                 if ( nSamples*nSamples - i > blockSize )
00348                     nElem = blockSize;
00349                 V_EXP ( K+i, nElem );
00350             }
00352             delete[] squaredSum;
00353         }
00354         else if ( m_kernelType == "Tanh" )
00355         {
00356             CBLAS_GEMM ( CblasRowMajor, CblasNoTrans, CblasTrans, nSamples, nSamples, m_nFeatures, 1.0, input, m_nFeatures, input, m_nFeatures, 0.0, K, nSamples );
00358             V_MULCI ( m_tanhScale, K, nSamples*nSamples );
00359             V_ADDCI ( m_tanhBiasPos - m_tanhBiasNeg, K, nSamples*nSamples );
00360             V_TANH ( nSamples*nSamples, K, K );
00361         }
00362         else
00363             assert ( false );
00365         for ( uint i=0;i<nSamples;i++ )
00366             K[i+i*nSamples] += ( REAL ) nSamples * m_reg;
00368         // copy targets to a tmp matrix
00369         for ( uint i=0;i<nrhs;i++ )
00370             for ( uint j=0;j<nSamples;j++ )
00371                 y[j+i*nSamples] = target[i+j*nrhs];  // copy to colMajor
00373         //Cholesky factorization of a symmetric (Hermitian) positive-definite matrix
00374         LAPACK_POTRF ( "U", &lda, K, &lda, &info );
00376         // no stabilizing in cross-fold training
00377         if ( crossRun != m_nCross )
00378             info = 0;
00380         if ( info != 0 )
00381         {
00382             m_reg *= 1.1;
00383             cout<<"[retraining] Stabilize reg:"<<m_reg<<"  (info:"<<info<<")"<<endl;
00384             stabilizeEpoch++;
00385         }
00386     }
00388     // Solves a system of linear equations with a Cholesky-factored symmetric (Hermitian) positive-definite matrix
00389     LAPACK_POTRS ( "U", &lda, &nrhs, K, &lda, y, &ldb, &info );  // Y=solution vector
00391     if ( info != 0 )
00392         cout<<"error: equation solver failed to converge: "<<info<<endl;
00394     for ( uint i=0;i<nSamples;i++ )
00395         for ( uint j=0;j<m_nClass*m_nDomain;j++ )
00396             m_x[crossRun][j+i*m_nClass*m_nDomain] = y[i+j*nSamples];  // copy to rowMajor
00398     delete[] y;
00399     delete[] K;
00400 }

void KernelRidgeRegression::predictAllOutputs ( REAL *  rawInputs,
REAL *  outputs,
uint  nSamples,
uint  crossRun 
) [virtual]

Prediction for outside use, predicts outputs based on raw input values

rawInputs The input feature, without normalization (raw)
outputs The output value (prediction of target)
nSamples The input size (number of rows)
crossRun Number of cross validation run (in training)

Implements StandardAlgorithm.

Definition at line 129 of file KernelRidgeRegression.cpp.

00130 {
00131     REAL *K, *A;
00132     uint m, n = m_nFeatures;
00134     // predict mode
00135     if ( Framework::getFrameworkMode() == 1 )
00136     {
00137         A = m_trainMatrix;
00138         K = new REAL[nSamples*m_nTrain];
00139         m = m_nTrain;
00140     }
00141     else  // train mode
00142     {
00143         A = m_validationType=="ValidationSet" ? m_trainOrig : m_train[crossRun];
00144         K = new REAL[nSamples*m_trainSize[crossRun]];
00145         m = m_trainSize[crossRun];
00146     }
00148     if ( m_kernelType == "Linear" )
00149     {
00150         CBLAS_GEMM ( CblasRowMajor, CblasNoTrans, CblasTrans, nSamples, m, n, 1.0, rawInputs, n, A, n, 0.0, K, m );  // K = rawInputs*A'
00151     }
00152     else if ( m_kernelType == "Poly" )
00153     {
00154         CBLAS_GEMM ( CblasRowMajor, CblasNoTrans, CblasTrans, nSamples, m, n, 1.0, rawInputs, n, A, n, 0.0, K, m );  // K = rawInputs*A'
00156         V_MULCI ( m_polyScale, K, m*nSamples );
00157         V_ADDCI ( m_polyBiasPos - m_polyBiasNeg, K, m*nSamples );
00159         for ( uint i=0;i<m*nSamples;i++ )
00160         {
00161             if ( K[i]>=0.0 )
00162                 K[i] = pow ( K[i], m_polyPower );
00163             else
00164                 K[i] = -pow ( -K[i], m_polyPower );
00165         }
00166     }
00167     else if ( m_kernelType == "Gauss" )
00168     {
00169         // this code is slower, but correct
00170         /*for(uint i=0;i<nSamples;i++)
00171         {
00172             REAL *ptr0 = rawInputs + i*m_nFeatures;
00173             for(uint j=0;j<m;j++)
00174             {
00175                 REAL *ptr1 = A + j*m_nFeatures;
00177                 double sum = 0.0;
00178                 for(uint k=0;k<m_nFeatures;k++)
00179                     sum += (ptr0[k] - ptr1[k]) * (ptr0[k] - ptr1[k]);
00181                 K[i*m+j] = exp(-sum/(m_gaussSigma*m_gaussSigma));
00182             }
00183         }*/
00184         // speedup calculation by using BLAS in x'y: ||x-y||^2 = sum(x.^2) - 2 * x'y + sum(y.^2)
00185         REAL* squaredSumInputs = new REAL[nSamples];
00186         REAL* squaredSumData = new REAL[m];
00187         for ( uint i=0;i<nSamples;i++ )
00188         {
00189             double sum = 0.0;
00190             REAL *ptr = rawInputs + i*m_nFeatures;
00191             for ( uint k=0;k<m_nFeatures;k++ )
00192                 sum += ptr[k]*ptr[k];
00193             squaredSumInputs[i] = sum;  // input feature squared sum
00194         }
00195         for ( uint i=0;i<m;i++ )
00196         {
00197             double sum = 0.0;
00198             REAL *ptr = A + i*m_nFeatures;
00199             for ( uint k=0;k<m_nFeatures;k++ )
00200                 sum += ptr[k]*ptr[k];
00201             squaredSumData[i] = sum;  // data feature squared sun
00202         }
00204         CBLAS_GEMM ( CblasRowMajor, CblasNoTrans, CblasTrans, nSamples, m, n, 1.0, rawInputs, n, A, n, 0.0, K, m );  // K = rawInputs*A'
00206         for ( uint i=0;i<nSamples;i++ )
00207         {
00208             REAL* ptr = K + i*m, sqSumIn = squaredSumInputs[i];
00209             for ( uint j=0;j<m;j++ )
00210                 ptr[j] = squaredSumData[j] + sqSumIn - 2.0 * ptr[j];
00211         }
00213         REAL c0 = - 1.0 / ( m_gaussSigma * m_gaussSigma );
00214         for ( uint i=0;i<m*nSamples;i++ )
00215             K[i] *= c0;
00217         // block-wise apply of the exp-function (due to limits in the V_EXP)
00218         uint blockSize = 10000000;
00219         assert ( m*nSamples < 4200000000 );
00220         for ( uint i=0;i<m*nSamples && i<4200000000;i+=blockSize )
00221         {
00222             int nElem = m*nSamples - i;
00223             if ( m*nSamples - i > blockSize )
00224                 nElem = blockSize;
00225             V_EXP ( K+i, nElem );
00226         }
00228         delete[] squaredSumInputs;
00229         delete[] squaredSumData;
00230     }
00231     else if ( m_kernelType == "Tanh" )
00232     {
00233         CBLAS_GEMM ( CblasRowMajor, CblasNoTrans, CblasTrans, nSamples, m, n, 1.0, rawInputs, n, A, n, 0.0, K, m );  // K = rawInputs*A'
00234         V_MULCI ( m_tanhScale, K, m*nSamples );
00235         V_ADDCI ( m_tanhBiasPos - m_tanhBiasNeg, K, m*nSamples );
00236         //for(int i=0;i<m*nSamples;i++)
00237         //    cout<<K[i]<<" "<<flush;
00238         V_TANH ( m*nSamples, K, K );
00239     }
00240     else
00241         assert ( false );
00243     for ( uint i=0;i<nSamples;i++ )
00244     {
00245         for ( uint j=0;j<m_nClass*m_nDomain;j++ )
00246         {
00247             double sum = 0.0;
00248             REAL* ptr = K + i*m;
00249             for ( uint k=0;k<m;k++ )
00250                 sum += ptr[k] * m_x[crossRun][k*m_nClass*m_nDomain + j];
00251             if ( isnan ( sum ) || isinf ( sum ) )
00252                 sum = 0.0;
00253             outputs[i*m_nClass*m_nDomain + j] = sum;
00254         }
00255     }
00257     delete[] K;
00258 }

void KernelRidgeRegression::readSpecificMaps (  )  [virtual]

Read the Algorithm specific values from the description file

Implements StandardAlgorithm.

Definition at line 45 of file KernelRidgeRegression.cpp.

00046 {
00047     m_reg = m_doubleMap["initReg"];
00048     m_kernelType = m_stringMap["kernelType"];
00050     m_polyScale = m_doubleMap["polyScaleInit"];
00051     m_polyBiasPos = m_doubleMap["polyBiasPosInit"];
00052     m_polyBiasNeg = m_doubleMap["polyBiasNegInit"];
00053     m_polyPower = m_doubleMap["polyPowerInit"];
00055     m_gaussSigma = m_doubleMap["gaussSigmaInit"];
00057     m_tanhScale = m_doubleMap["tanhScaleInit"];
00058     m_tanhBiasPos = m_doubleMap["tanhBiasPosInit"];
00059     m_tanhBiasNeg = m_doubleMap["tanhBiasNegInit"];
00060 }

void KernelRidgeRegression::saveWeights ( int  cross  )  [virtual]

Save the weights and all other parameters for load the complete prediction model

Implements StandardAlgorithm.

Definition at line 406 of file KernelRidgeRegression.cpp.

00407 {
00408     char buf[1024];
00409     sprintf ( buf,"%02d",cross );
00410     string name = m_datasetPath + "/" + m_tempPath + "/" + m_weightFile + "." + buf;
00411     if ( m_inRetraining )
00412         cout<<"Save:"<<name<<endl;
00413     fstream f ( name.c_str(), ios::out );
00414     f.write ( ( char* ) &m_nTrain, sizeof ( int ) );
00415     f.write ( ( char* ) &m_nFeatures, sizeof ( int ) );
00416     f.write ( ( char* ) &m_nClass, sizeof ( int ) );
00417     f.write ( ( char* ) &m_nDomain, sizeof ( int ) );
00418     f.write ( ( char* ) m_x[cross], sizeof ( REAL ) *m_nTrain*m_nClass*m_nDomain );
00419     if(m_validationType == "ValidationSet")
00420         f.write ( ( char* ) m_trainOrig, sizeof ( REAL ) *m_nTrain*m_nFeatures );
00421     else
00422     {
00423         if(m_enableSaveMemory && m_train[cross]==0)
00424             fillNCrossValidationSet (cross);
00425         f.write ( ( char* ) m_train[cross], sizeof ( REAL ) *m_nTrain*m_nFeatures );
00426         if ( m_enableSaveMemory && m_train[cross]==0)
00427             freeNCrossValidationSet (cross);
00428     }
00429     f.write ( ( char* ) &m_maxSwing, sizeof ( double ) );
00430     f.write ( ( char* ) &m_reg, sizeof ( double ) );
00431     f.write ( ( char* ) &m_polyScale, sizeof ( double ) );
00432     f.write ( ( char* ) &m_polyBiasPos, sizeof ( double ) );
00433     f.write ( ( char* ) &m_polyBiasNeg, sizeof ( double ) );
00434     f.write ( ( char* ) &m_polyPower, sizeof ( double ) );
00435     f.write ( ( char* ) &m_gaussSigma, sizeof ( double ) );
00436     f.write ( ( char* ) &m_tanhScale, sizeof ( double ) );
00437     f.write ( ( char* ) &m_tanhBiasPos, sizeof ( double ) );
00438     f.write ( ( char* ) &m_tanhBiasNeg, sizeof ( double ) );
00439     f.close();
00440 }

string KernelRidgeRegression::templateGenerator ( int  id,
string  preEffect,
int  nameID,
bool  blendStop 
) [static]

Generates a template of the description file

The template string

Definition at line 522 of file KernelRidgeRegression.cpp.

00523 {
00524     stringstream s;
00525     s<<"ALGORITHM=KernelRidgeRegression"<<endl;
00526     s<<"ID="<<id<<endl;
00527     s<<"TRAIN_ON_FULLPREDICTOR="<<preEffect<<endl;
00528     s<<"DISABLE=0"<<endl;
00529     s<<endl;
00530     s<<"[int]"<<endl;
00531     s<<"maxTuninigEpochs=20"<<endl;
00532     s<<endl;
00533     s<<"[double]"<<endl;
00534     s<<"initMaxSwing=1.0"<<endl;
00535     s<<"initReg=0.1"<<endl;
00536     s<<"polyScaleInit=1.0"<<endl;
00537     s<<"polyBiasPosInit=10.0"<<endl;
00538     s<<"polyBiasNegInit=0.01"<<endl;
00539     s<<"polyPowerInit=6.0"<<endl;
00540     s<<"gaussSigmaInit=5.0"<<endl;
00541     s<<"tanhScaleInit=1.0"<<endl;
00542     s<<"tanhBiasPosInit=0.1"<<endl;
00543     s<<"tanhBiasNegInit=0.1"<<endl;
00544     s<<"[bool]"<<endl;
00545     s<<"enableClipping=1"<<endl;
00546     s<<"enableTuneSwing=0"<<endl;
00547     s<<endl;
00548     s<<"minimzeProbe="<< ( !blendStop ) <<endl;
00549     s<<"minimzeProbeClassificationError=0"<<endl;
00550     s<<"minimzeBlend="<<blendStop<<endl;
00551     s<<"minimzeBlendClassificationError=0"<<endl;
00552     s<<endl;
00553     s<<"[string]"<<endl;
00554     s<<"kernelType=Gauss"<<endl;
00555     s<<"weightFile="<<"KernelRidgeRegression_"<<nameID<<"_weights.dat"<<endl;
00556     s<<"fullPrediction=KernelRidgeRegression_"<<nameID<<".dat"<<endl;
00558     return s.str();
00559 }

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Generated on Tue Jan 26 09:21:07 2010 for ELF by  doxygen 1.5.8